Kategorie:Pages using RFC magic links

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Magic links are a feature of MediaWiki core that create automatic links for 3 hardcoded external identifiers. As of MediaWiki 1.28, this feature is disabled by default but may be enabled using the $EnableMagicLinks configuration parameter.


  • ISBN 0-7475-3269-9 -> ISBN 0-7475-3269-9
  • PMID 1234 -> PMID 1234
  • RFC 1234 -> RFC 1234

ISBN is hardcoded to link to Special:Booksources, while the URLs for PMID and RFC can be changed by editing the system messages pubmedurl and rfcurl, respectively.


Because magic links are hardcoded and inflexible, you can also use more straightforward interwiki or links:

Creating a local template may be useful.


Diese Kategorie enthält nur die folgende Unterkategorie: