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 24 X 7 PROMOTION bis 31. März 2016
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Dieser Artikel zeigt den vollständingen "diagnose tree" für FortiOS 5.0 sowie 5.2. In den verschiedenen Abschnitten sind einge Beispiele aufgeführt für die gezeigten Kommandos sofern dies möglich war. Als Device stand eine FG-60D zur Verfügung. Die Angaben über die FortiOS Version bezieht sich nicht darauf ob das Kommando für die jeweilige FortiOS Version zur Verfügung steht, sondern indiziert wann dieses Kommando zur FortiOS Version hinzugefügt wurde.


        *                                                                   *
        *                  ALSO SCHWEIZ AG SWITZERLAND.                     *
        *                                                                   *

"Die in diesen Artikeln enthaltenen Informationen sind vertraulich und dürfen ohne
schriftliche Zustimmung von der ALSO Schweiz AG gegenüber Dritt-Unternehmen nicht 
                         bekannt gemacht werden"



antivirus avquery

FortiGuard - AV Query statistics and reporting

       # diagnose antivirus avquery statistics flush                          Flush daemon and cache statistics.                                             [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose antivirus avquery statistics list                           Display cache and daemon statistics.
       DNS failures                     :          0
       DNS lookups                      :          0
       Data send failures               :          0
       Data read failures               :          0
       Incorrect CRCs in responses      :          0
       Proxy request failures           :          0
       Requests timed out               :          0
       Total Requests                   :          0
       Requests to rating servers       :          0
       Server error responses           :          0
       Relayed requests                 :          0
       Jobs passed on daemon shutdown   :          0
       Server error, files passed       :          0
       Bad license, files passed        :          0
       Request queue full, files passed :          0
       Daemon not started; files passed :          0
       No server, files passed          :          0
       No resources, files passed       :          0
       Bad query format, files passed   :          0
       Cache mem allowed                :          0
       Cache mem used                   :          0
       Number of cache entries          :          0
       Cache queries                    :          0
       Cache hits                       :          0
       # diagnose antivirus avquery status                                    FortiGuard - AV Query service status                                           [5.0][5.2]
       FortiGuard - AV Query service is disabled.
       Server status unknown

antivirus bypass

       # diagnose antivirus bypass on|off                                     On/Off for bypassing AV checking.                                              [5.0][5.2]

antivirus heuristic

       # diagnose antivirus heuristic showrules                               Display heuristic rule overrides.                                              [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose antivirus heuristic showthreshold                           Display heuristic threshold.                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       Threshold: 0

antivirus quarantine

       # diagnose antivirus quarantine delete [Checksum für File]             Delete a file in quarantine.                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose antivirus quarantine list                                   List the files in quarantine.                                                  [5.0][5.2]
       Quarantine List (Count = 0)
       # diagnose antivirus quarantine list service {http|https|ftp|smtp|smtps|pop3|pop3s|imap|imaps|im|nntp} 
       # diagnose antivirus quarantine list status {infected|heuristic|blocked} 
       # diagnose antivirus quarantine purge                                  Delete all quarantined files.                                                  [5.0][5.2]

antivirus virus

       # diagnose antivirus virus list                                        List detected virus                                                            [5.0][5.2]
       Virus List


autoupdate downgrade

       # diagnose autoupdate downgrade enable | disable                       Update object downgrade status.                                                [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose autoupdate downgrade enable
       Update downgrade enabled
       # diagnose autoupdate downgrade disable
       Update downgrade disabled

autoupdate status

       # diagnose autoupdate status                                           Status of automatic updates.                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       FDN availability:  unavailable at Mon Nov 16 19:29:33 2015
       Push update: disable
       Scheduled update: enable
               Update every:   6 hours at 0 minutes after the hour
       Virus definitions update: enable
       IPS definitions update: enable
       Push address override: disable
       Web proxy tunneling: disable
       FDN availability:                Specify availability status and last access time (access time corresponds to the scheduled update settings).
                                        Possible values are: available/unavailable.  
       Push update:                     Specify whether push update method is enabled or disabled. Possible values are: enable/disable.  
       Scheduled update:                Specify whether scheduled update is enabled or disabled. Possible values are: enable/disable.  
       Update every:                    If scheduled update is enabled, specify the time defined to launch the update.  
       Virus definitions update:        Specify whether the virus definitions update is enabled or disabled. Possible values are: enable/disable.  
       IPS definitions updates:         Specify whether the IPS definitions update is enabled or disabled. Possible values are:  enable/disable.  
       Server override:                 Specify whether the use of another FDS server is enabled or disabled. Possible values are: enable/disable.
                                        If  enabled  a new line is displayed showing the FDS IP address defined in the configuration.  
       Push address override:           If push update is enabled, specify whether the FortiGate override address feature is enabled or disabled. 
                                        Possible values are: enable/disable. If enabled, a new line is displayed showing the FDS IP address and the 
                                        TCP port (a.b.c.d:port) defined in the configuration.  
       Web proxy tunneling:             Specify whether FortiGate device is using a proxy to retrieve AV and IPS definitions updates. Possible values 
                                        are: enable/disable. If enabled, additional lines are displayed showing the proxy settings.  

autoupdate versions

       # diagnose autoupdate versions                                         Update object versions.                                                        [5.0][5.2]
       AV Engine
       Version: 5.00171
       Contract Expiry Date: n/a
       Last Updated using manual update on Fri Jun 26 15:14:00 2015
       Last Update Attempt: Mon Nov 16 18:31:29 2015
       Result: Connectivity failure
       Virus Definitions
       Version: 16.00560
       Contract Expiry Date: n/a
       Last Updated using manual update on Fri Oct 19 08:31:00 2012
       Last Update Attempt: Mon Nov 16 18:31:29 2015
       Result: Connectivity failure


central-mgmt script-history

       # diagnose central-mgmt script-history clear                           Clear script execution history.                                                [5.0][5.2]
       Script execution history has been cleared.
       # diagnose central-mgmt script-history del [id Record ID]              Delete one script execution record.                                            [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose central-mgmt script-history list                            List script execution history.                                                 [5.0][5.2]
       There is 0 script execution log:
        ID          Time        Type   Status  Name
       # diagnose central-mgmt script-history test                            Generate sample script execution records.                                      [5.0][5.2]
       One new script execution record has been created.
       One new script execution record has been created.
       One new script execution record has been created.


NOTE Not Available on Model(s) "FortiGate 60C"

client-reputation convert-timestamp

       # diagnose client-reputation convert-timestamp                        Convert a client reputation database timestamp to date and time.                [5.0][5.2]

client-reputation test-all

       # diagnose client-reputation test-all                                 Adds log messages from multiple sources to the client reputation db for testing.[5.0][5.2]

client-reputation test-app

       # diagnose client-reputation test-app                                 Adds application control log messages to the client reputation db for testing.  [5.0][5.2]

client-reputation test-ips

       # diagnose client-reputation test-ips                                 Adds ips log messages to the client reputation db for testing.                  [5.0][5.2]

client-reputation test-webfilter

       # diagnose client-reputation test-webfilter                           Adds webfilter log messages to the client reputation db for testing.            [5.0][5.2]


NOTE Not Available on Model(s) "FortiGate 60C"

cp cp8

       # diagnose cp cp8                                                     Co-processor version 8.                                                         [5.2]


       # diagnose debug [disable | enable]                                                 Disable/enable debug output.                                      [5.0][5.2]
       NOTE Use this command to enable/disable debugging messages to the CLI display. 

debug admin

       # debug admin error-log                                                         Last failed admin user login details.                                 [5.2]

debug application

       # diagnose debug application [application option] [Debug Level/Integer          application  
       NOTE Use for all commands the following "Integer" to indicate the "Debug Level":
            -1  Display all messages.  
             0  Do not display messages 
       # diagnose debug application alarmd                                             Alarmd daemon                                                         [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application alertmail                                          Alert mail daemon                                                     [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application authd                                              Auth daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application chassis                                            Chassis daemon.                                                       [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application crl-update                                         CRL update daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application cw_acd                                             Capwap AC daemon.                                                     [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ddnscd                                             DDNS client daemon.                                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dhcp6c                                             DHCPv6 client.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dhcp6r                                             DHCPv6 relay.                                                         [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dhcp6s                                             DHCPv6 server.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dhcpc                                              DHCP client module.                                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dhcprelay                                          DHCP relay daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dhcps                                              DHCP server.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dialinsvr                                          Dial-in-server daemon.                                                [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dlp                                                DLP                                                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dlpfingerprint                                     DLP fingerprint daemon.                                               [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dnsproxy                                           DNS proxy module.                                                     [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application dsd                                                DLP Stat Daemon                                                       [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application extenderd                                          Extender Wan daemon.                                                  [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application fcnacd                                             FortiClient NAC daemon.                                               [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application fgd_alert                                          FortiGuard alert message.                                             [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application fgfmd                                              FortiGate/FortiManager communication daemon.                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application fnbamb                                             Fortigate non-blocking auth daemon.                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application forticldd                                          FortiCloud daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application forticron                                          Forticron daemon.                                                     [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application fsd                                                Forti-start daemon.                                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application fssod                                              FSSO daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ftpd                                               FTP proxy.                                                            [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application garpd                                              VIP gratuitous ARP daemon.                                            [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application harelay                                            HA relay module.                                                      [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application hasync                                             HA synchronization module.                                            [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application hatalk                                             HA protocol module.                                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application http                                               HTTP proxy.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application httpsd                                             HTTPSd daemon.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ike                                                IKE daemon.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application im                                                 IM proxy.                                                             [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application imap                                               IMAP proxy.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application info-sslvpn                                        SSL-VPN info daemon for Fortinet top bar.                             [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application init                                               System init process.                                                  [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ipldbd                                             Ipldbd daemon.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ipsengine                                          ips sensor                                                            [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ipsmonitor                                         ips monitor                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ipsufd                                             IPS URL filter resolver daemon.                                       [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application l2tp                                               L2TP daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application l2tpcd                                             L2tpcd daemon.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application link-monitor                                       Link monitor daemon.                                                  [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application lldptx                                             Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Transmitter                      [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application lted                                               USB LTE daemon.                                                       [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application miglogd                                            Log daemon.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application modemd                                             MODEM daemon.                                                         [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application netscan                                            Netscan                                                               [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application nntp                                               NNTP proxy.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application nq                                                 NAC quarantine daemon.                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug application ntpd                                               NTPd daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ovrd                                               Override daemon.                                                      [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application pop3                                               POP3 proxy.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ppp                                                PPP daemon.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application pppoed                                             PPPoE client Daemon.                                                  [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application pptp                                               PPTP daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application pptpc                                              PPTP client.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application proxy                                              Proxy acceptor.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug application proxyacceptor                                      Proxy acceptor.                                                       [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application proxydaemon                                        Proxy daemon.                                                         [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application proxyworker                                        Proxy worker.                                                         [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application quarantine                                         Quarantine daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application radiusd                                            RADIUS daemon.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application radvd                                              Router adv daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application rsyslogd                                           Rsyslogd daemon.                                                      [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application rtmon                                              PING server.                                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug application scanunit                                           Scanunit daemon.                                                      [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application  sccp                                              SCCP ALG.                                                             [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application scep                                               SCEP                                                                  [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application server-probe                                       Server probe daemon.                                                  [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application sessionsync                                        Session sync daemon.                                                  [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application sflowd                                             sFlow protocol module.                                                [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application sip                                                SIP ALG.                                                              [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application smbcd                                              SMB client daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application smtp                                               SMTP proxy.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application snmpd                                              SNMP daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application spamfilter                                         Spam filter module.                                                   [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application spareblock                                         Set debug spare block count.                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application src-vis                                            Source Visibility daemon.                                             [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application sshd                                               Sshd daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application ssl                                                SSL daemon.                                                           [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application sslvpn                                             sslvpn                                                                [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application stp                                                Spanning Tree Protocol daemon.                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application update                                             Update daemon.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application uploadd                                            Upload daemon.                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application urlfilter                                          Urlfilter daemon.                                                     [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application vpd                                                VPN policy daemon.                                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application vrrpd                                              VRRP daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application vs                                                 virtual-server                                                        [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wa_cs                                              WAN acceleration cs server.                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug application wa_dbd                                             WAN acceleration db server.                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug application wabcs                                              WAN acceleration byte cache storage.                                  [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wad                                                WAN acceleration proxy.                                               [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application waocs                                              WAN acceleration object cache storage.                                [5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wccpd                                              WCCP daemon.                                                          [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wifi                                               WiFi setting.                                                         [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wiredap                                            Wired AP (802.1X port-based auth) daemon.                             [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wpad                                               Port access entity daemon.                                            [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application wpad_dump                                          Dump wpad packet in binary format.                                    [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application zebos                                              ZebOS                                                                 [5.0][5.2] 
       # diagnose debug application zebos-launcher                                     ZebOS launcher daemon.                                                [5.0][5.2] 

debug authd

       # diagnose debug authd clear                                                    Clear internal data structures and keep alive sessions.               [5.0]
       # diagnose debug authd fsso                                                     FFSO                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose debug authd fsso clear-logons                                        Clear logon information.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso filter clear                                        Clear all filters.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso filter group <name>                                 Group name.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso filter server <name>                                FSSO agent name.                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso filter source [from srcip] [to srcip]               Source IP address.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso filter user <name>                                  User name.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso list                                                List current logons.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso refresh-groups                                      Refresh group mappings.                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso refresh-logons                                      Resync logon database.                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso server-status                                       Show FSSO agent connection status.                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd fsso summary                                             Summary of current logons.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug authd memory                                                   Show authd memory usage information.                                  [5.0]  

debug cli

       # diagnose debug cli [Integer]                                                  Debug CLI.                                                            [5.0][5.2]
       Integer level = 0 - 8

debug cmdb-trace

       # diagnose debug cmdb-trace [Integer 0 - 1]                                     Trace CLI.                                                            [5.0][5.2]

debug config-error-log

       # diagnose debug config-error-log                                               Configure error log info.                                             [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose debug config-error-log clear                                         Clear config error log.                                               [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose debug config-error-log read                                          Display config error on console.                                      [5.0][5.2]

debug console

       # diagnose debug console no-user-log-msg                                        Console does not show user log messages.                              [5.0]
       # diagnose debug console no-user-log-msg disable                                Disable console no user log message.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug console no-user-log-msg enable                                 Enable console no user log message.                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug console send [AT command] [character] [integer]                Send out MODEM HA  AT command.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose debug console timestamp                                              timestamp                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose debug console timestamp disable                                      Disable timestamp.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug console timestamp enable                                       Enable timestamp.                                                     [5.0] 
       NOTE Use this command to enable or disable the timestamp in debug logs.

debug crashlog

       # diagnose debug crashlog                                                       Crash log info.                                                       [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose debug crashlog clear                                                 Clear crash log.                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug crashlog get                                                   Get crashlog.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug crashlog read                                                  Read crashlog.                                                        [5.0] 
       NOTE Use this command to show crash logs from application proxies that have call back traces, segmentation 
            faults, or memory register dumps, or to delete the crash log. 

debug flow

       # diagnose debug flow filter                                                    Trace packet with filter.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose debug flow filter6                                                   Trace packet with IPv6 filter.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose debug flow show                                                      Enable/disable display of trace on console.                           [5.0]
       # diagnose debug flow trace                                                     Start/stop trace.                                                     [5.0]
       Was ist das spezielle am Kommando "diagnose debug flow"
       Dieser Befehl zeigt wie ein Packet abgehandelt wird im Kernel dh. über welches Interface es reinkommt, wie es geroutet
       wird, ob die Policy angesprochen wird etc. Es ist ein "Monitor"für Flow Packages:
       # diagnose debug flow filter clear
       # diagnose debug flow show console enable
       # diagnose debug flow show function enable
       # diagnose debug flow filter proto [Angabe der Protokoll Nummer zB "6" für TCP]  
       # diagnose debug flow filter [Definition des Filters]
               vf: any
               proto: any
               Host addr: any
               Host saddr: any
               Host daddr: any
               port: any
               sport: any
               dport: any
       NOTE Als Filter können folgende Angaben definiert werden:
               addr      IP address.
               clear     Clear filter.
               daddr     Destination IP address.
               dport     Destination port.
               negate    Inverse filter.
               port      port
               proto     Protocol number.
               saddr     Source IP address.
               sport     Source port.
               vd        Index of virtual domain.
       Grundanwendung des "diagnose debug flow" Kommandos:
       NOTE Die nachfolgende Befehle zeigen wie für "flow" alle Funktionen zur Vorbereitung zurückgesetzt werden. Danach werden
            die verschiedenen Funktionen wie zB "timestamp" usw. aktiviert. Dies bedeutet: Nicht im jeden Fall ist dieser Vorgang
            auszuführen nur dann wenn zu Beginn alle Filter und Funktionen auf Ihre Standard Werte zurückgesetzt werden sollen um
            sicherzustellen das keine vorhergenden Filter mehr bestehen!
       Deaktivere Debug "flow":
       # diagnose debug disable
       Stoppe Trace für "flow":
       # diagnose debug flow trace stop
       Lösche Filter für "flow":
       # diagnose debug flow filter clear
       Setze Debug zurück für "flow":
       # diagnose debug reset
       Setze eine neuen Filter für "flow":
       # diagnose debug flow filter addr [x.x.x.x] [To filter only address x.x.x.x]
       Aktiviere "output" auf Console für "flow":
       # diagnose debug flow show console enable
       Aktiviere function-name für "flow":
       # diagnose debug flow show function-name enable
       Aktiviere timestamp (Zeit) für "flow":
       # diagnose debug console timestamp enable
       Setze die Anzahl Packet die für "flow" resp. für den Filter angzeigt werden sollen:
       # diagnose debug flow trace start [Anzahl der Packet zB 10]
       Aktiviere die Funktion "flow":
       # diagnose debug enable [To enable the debug command.]

Nachfolgend einige Beispiele die zeigen wie ein Filter für "flow" aussehen kann:

       Explizit nach ping traffic filtern: 
       # diagnose debug flow filter proto 1
       NOTE Weitere Informationen betreffend den Protokoll Nummern siehe nachfolgender Artikel:
       Explizit nur ICMP auf eine bestimmte IP-Adresse filtern: 
       # diagnose debug flow filter addr [Definiere die IPv4 Adresse von bis zB]
       # diagnose debug flow filter proto [Definiere die Protokoll Nummer zB für ICMP 1]
       Beispiel 3: Explizit nach einer bestimmten Portnummer filtern.  
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgendem CLI-Befehl:
       # diagnose debug flow filter port [Y]              [Y = Portnummer z.B 80 (http) oder 25(smtp) ]    
       Beispiel 4: Auf eine bestimmte IP Adresse und Portnummer filtern: 
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgenden CLI-Befehlen: 
       # diagnose debug flow filter addr [x.x.x.x] 
       # diagnose debug flow filter port [Y]
       Beispiel 5: Auf einen bestimmten Source Port filtern.und Destinations Port filtern
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgendem CLI-Befehl:
       # diagnose debug flow filter sport [X]             [setzt den Filter mit auf den Source Port X (zb 80)]
       Beispiel 6: Auf einen bestimmten Destinations Port filtern.
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgendem CLI-Befehl:
       # diagnose debug flow filter dport [Y]             [Filter mit dem Destinationsport Y ]
       Beispiel 7: Auf eine bestimmte Source IP Adresse filtern
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgendem CLI-Befehl:
       # diagnose debug flow filter saddr [x.x.x.x]       [Filter mit der Source IP Adresse x.x.x.x]
       Beispiel 8: Auf eine bestimmte Source IP Adresse filtern 
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgendem CLI-Befehl:
       # diagnose debug flow filter daddr [y.y.y.y]       [Filter mit der Destinations IP Adresse y.y.y.y]
       Beispiel 9: Auf eine bestimmte virtuelle Domaine (vdom) filtern: 
       Ersetze Zeile 5 mit dem folgendem CLI-Befehl:
       # diagnose debug flow filter vd [X]                 [X=Indexnummer von der virtuellen Domäne, X= -1 für alle] 

Wenn mit "diagnose debug flow" gearbeitet wird, werden betreffend "block" verschiedenen Nachrichten ausgegeben. Diese haben folgende Bedeutung:

       Denied by forward policy check          - Es existiert keine entsprechende Firewall Policy Rule für diesen Traffic.
                                               - Eine Firewall Policy Rule existiert zwar jedoch ist ein "disclaimer" aktiviert der zuerst akzeptiert werden muss.
       Denied by end point ip filter check     - Die Source IP Adresse des Traffic ist in der Quarantine von DLP.
       exceeded shaper limit, drop             - Packet wurde verworfen durch den Traffic Shaper.
       Reverse path check fail, drop           - Packet wurde verworfen durch die Funktion "reverse path forwarding". Weitere Informationen zu "reverse path forwarding"
                                                 siehe auch nachfolgenden Artikel:
       Iprope_in_check() check failed, drop    - Das Packet benützt als Destination eine FortiGate IP Adresse dh. Mgmt. Traffic jedoch:
                                                 --> Der Service auf der FortiGate zB Admin HTTPS Zugriff ist nicht aktiviert.
                                                 --> Der Service ist zwar aktiviert benützt jedoch einen anderen Port.
                                                 --> Für den Service wurde ein "trusted host" konfiguriert und die Source IP ist nicht enthalten in "trusted host".
                                               - Das Packet benützt als Destination keine FortiGate IP Adresse dh. für Mgmt. Traffic jedoch wird die IP benutzt 
                                                 für ein VIP oder IP Pool Objekt.

debug fsso-polling

       # diagnose debug fsso-polling                                                   FSSO active directory poll module.                                    [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling client                                            Show FSSO AD Server Clients.                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling detail <id-AD Server Entry ID>                    Show FSSO AD Server Detail.                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling ha                                                Show FSSO HA Summary.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling refresh-user <id-AD Server Entry ID>              Refresh FSSO AD Server users.                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling set-log-source [ID AD] [0: security, 1:appl.]     Source of event log.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling summary                                           Show FSSO AD Server Summary.                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug fsso-polling user [ID AD]                                      Show FSSO AD Server users.                                            [5.0] 

debug info

       # diagnose debug info                                                           Show active debug level settings.                                     [5.0][5.2]

debug kernel

       # diagnose debug kernel ha [Integer - disable, 1-7 = higher level]              Debug kernel HA level.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose debug kernel level [Integer - Kernel level]                          Debug kernel level.                                                   [5.0]

debug rating

       # diagnose debug rating [refresh-rate (sec)]                                    Display rating info.                                                  [5.0][5.2]
       NOTE Use this command to display the available FortiGuard Distribution Network servers for antispam queries
            and to set the frequency for refreshing the server list.
       Server Status)
       D  Indicates the server was found via the DNS lookup of the hostname. If the hostname returns more 
          than one IP address, all of them will be flagged with 'D' and will be used first for INIT requests
          before falling back to other servers.  
       I  Indicates the server to which the last INIT request was sent.  
       F  The server has not responded to requests and is considered to have failed.  
       T  The server is currently being timed.  

debug report

       # diagnose debug report                                                         Report for tech support.                                              [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose debug report reset                                                   Reset debug report.                                                   [5.0] 

debug reset

       # diagnose debug reset                                                          Reset all debug level to default.                                     [5.0][5.2]

debug rtmon

       # diagnose debug rtmon                                                          Dump rtmon data by name.                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose debug rtmon dump pingsvr                                             Dump ping server.                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug rtmon dump fail-detect                                         Dump fail-detect.                                                     [5.0] 

debug urlfilter

       # diagnose debug urlfilter src-addr [IP address]                                Enable debug messages for selected source IP address.                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose debug urlfilter test-url [url]                                       Find the result returned from the URL filter for a URL.   


disktest block

       # diagnose disktest block                                             Block size of each read/write operation.                                        [5.2]

Current Test Block: 4M.

disktest device

       # diagnose disktest device                                            Device to test.                                                                 [5.2]
       # diagnose disktest device 
       1    /dev/sda, size 3864MB, boot device
       2    /dev/sdb, size 7728MB
       # diagnose disktest device 1
       Current Test Device: /dev/sda

disktest run

       # diagnose disktest run                                               Run test with specified cycle.                                                  [5.2]
       Round 1 started.
       Current Test Device: /dev/sda
       Total size: 3864M
       Current Test Block: 4M.
       Current Time Limit: No limit
       Current Size Limit: No limit
       Time(Sec)    Size(MB)                                                 Read(MB/s) Write(MB/s)

disktest size

       # diagnose disktest size                                              Test size limit for each cycle.                                                 [5.2]
       Current Size Limit: No limit

disktest time

       # diagnose disktest time                                              Test time limit for each cycle.                                                 [5.2]
       Current Time Limit: No limit


Endpoint compliance diagnostics.

endpoint ec-feature-list

       # diagnose endpoint ec-feature-list                                                    Endpoint checking feature list information.                    [5.0][5.2]
       Number of list entries: 0

endpoint filter

       # diagnose endpoint filter clear                                                       Erase the current filter.                                      [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose endpoint filter ftcl-uid [uid FortiClient UID]                              FortiClient UID to filter by.                                  [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose endpoint filter list                                                        Display the current filter.                                    [5.0][5.2]
       source IP : any
       session IP : any
       MAC : any
       FortiClient UID : any
       # diagnose endpoint filter mac [MAC address (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)]                       MAC address to filter by.                                      [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose endpoint filter ses-ip [ipv4-address Session IPv4 address]                  IPv4 session address to filter by.                             [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose endpoint filter src-ip [ipv4-address Session IPv4 address]                  IPv4 source address to filter by.                              [5.0][5.2]

endpoint information

       # diagnose endpoint information                                                        Latest endpoint related information.                           [5.0][5.2]
       FortiGuard Availability: not reachable
       FortiClient Downloads: 0

endpoint record-delete

       # diagnose endpoint record-delete [ipv4-address Source IPv4 address]                   Delete endpoint records.                                       [5.0][5.2]

endpoint record-list

       # diagnose endpoint record-list any                                                    List endpoint records.                                         [5.0][5.2]
       online records: 0; offline records: 0
       status -- none: 0; uninstalled: 0; unregistered: 0; registered: 0; blocked: 0

endpoint record-summary

       # diagnose endpoint record-summary                                                     List summary of endpoint records.                              [5.0][5.2]
       online records: 0; offline records: 0
       status -- none: 0; uninstalled: 0; unregistered: 0; registered: 0; blocked: 0

endpoint registration

       # diagnose endpoint registration block [id FortiClient UID]                            Block a FortiClient from registering.                          [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration cmdb-list [ipv4 Source or any]                        List FortiClients stored in CMDB.                              [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration deregister [id FortiClient UID]                       Deregister a registered FortiClient.                           [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration force-peer-resync                                     force to resync registration with all peers.                   [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration keepalive-timestamp [FortiClient UID]                 List KeepAlive timestamps.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration list blocked-forticlients [ipv4 address or any]       List blocked FortiClients.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration list registered-forticlients [ipv4 address or any]    List registered FortiClients.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration recalculate-registered-forticlients                   Re-calculate number of registered forticlients.                [5.0]
       Total number of licences: 10
       Total number of granted licenses: 0 (0)
       Total number of available licences: 10
       # diagnose endpoint registration skip-forticlient-system-update [1/0 Skip/Unskip]      Skip the system update upon receiving KeepAlive from FC        [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration ssl-session-timeout [SSL session timeout]             Set the SSL session timeout.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration summary                                               Summary of FortiClient registrations.                          [5.0]
       Total number of licences: 10 
       Total number of granted licenses: 0 
       Total number of available licences: 10 
       # diagnose endpoint registration sync-peer-list [1/0 signal daemon]                    List registration sync peers.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose endpoint registration unblock [FortiClient UID]                             Unblock a previously blocked FortiClient.                      [5.0]


extender atcmd

       # diagnose extender atcmd                                              at command
       # diagnose extender atcmd[at-command] [mark - change mark to '?' in at command] [sn - serial number of extender]                                      [5.2]

extender cmd

       # diagnose extender cmd                                                generic at command                                                             [5.2]
       # diagnose extender cmd [Integer - a number mapping a generic at command] [sn - serial number of extender] 
       Description of Test Level
       1  Show device info  
       2  Show data session connection status  
       3  Test connection  
       4  Test disconnection  
       5  Get signal strength


FortiCloud/FortiManager Service.

fdsm account-info

       # diagnose fdsm account-info                                           FortiCloud account information.                                                [5.0][5.2]
       Account information: status=0, type=basic.

fdsm cfg-diff

       # diagnose fdsm cfg-diff [revision1] [revision2]                       Configuration difference.                                                      [5.0] [5.2]

fdsm cfg-download

       # diagnose fdsm cfg-download [normal | template | script]              Download configuration.                                                        [5.0][5.2]

fdsm cfg-list

       # diagnose fdsm cfg-list [normal | template | script]                  Download configuration list.                                                   [5.0][5.2]

fdsm cfg-upload

       # diagnose fdsm cfg-upload  [comments]                                 Upload configuration.                                                          [5.0][5.2]

fdsm contract-controller-update

       # diagnose fdsm contract-controller-update                             Update contract controller.                                                    [5.0][5.2]

fdsm fc-installer-download

       # diagnose fdsm fc-installer-download [Installer ID]                   Download FortiClient installer.                                                [5.0][5.2]

fdsm fds-update

       # diagnose fdsm fds-update                                             Perform FortiGuard update.                                                     [5.0][5.2]

fdsm ftk-activiate

       # diagnose fdsm ftk-activiate [arg please input args]                  FortiToken activation.                                                         [5.0][5.2]

fdsm log-controller-update

       # diagnose fdsm log-controller-update                                  Perform log update.                                                            [5.0][5.2]
       Protocol=2.0|Response=202|Firmware=FAZ-4K-FW 2.50-

fdsm message-update

       # diagnose fdsm message-update                                         Perform message update.                                                        [5.0][5.2]
       Protocol=2.0|Response=202|Firmware=FAZ-4K-FW 2.50-

fdsm forticlient-update

       # diagnose fdsm forticlient-update                                     FortiClient update.                                                            [5.0][5.2]

fdsm forticlient-net-info

       # diagnose fdsm forticlient-net-info                                   FortiClient net information.                                                   [5.0][5.2]

fdsm fortiap-download

       # diagnose fdsm fortiap-download [Image ID]                            Download FortiAP image.                                                        [5.0][5.2]

fdsm fortiap-latest-ver

       # diagnose fdsm fortiap-latest-ver [model Model name]                  Get most recent FortiAP build information.                                     [5.0][5.2]

fdsm image-download

       # diagnose fdsm image-download [Image ID]                              Download image.                                                                [5.0][5.2]

fdsm image-list

       # diagnose fdsm image-list                                             Download image list.                                                           [5.0][5.2]
       05000000FIMG0007000007 v5.00 GA P7 b3608 (downgrade) 
       04000000FIMG0007003015 v4.00 MR3-GA P15 b0672 (downgrade)
       04000000FIMG0007002011 v4.00 MR2-GA P11 b0342 (downgrade)

fdsm modem-list

       # diagnose fdsm modem-list                                             MODEM list.                                                                    [5.0][5.2]

fdsm report-download

       # diagnose fdsm report-download [OID]                                  Download report.                                                               [5.0][5.2]

fdsm report-list

       # diagnose fdsm report-list [VDOM Name]                                Download report list.                                                          [5.0][5.2]

fdsm sslvpn-man-upgrade-package-download

       # diagnose fdsm sslvpn-man-upgrade-package-download [Package ID]       Download SSL-VPN manual upgrade package.                                       [5.0][5.2]

fdsm sslvpn-package-download

       # diagnose fdsm sslvpn-package-download [Package ID]                   Download SSL-VPN package.                                                      [5.0][5.2]


firewall auth

       # diagnose firewall auth clear                                         Clear authenticated IPv4 users.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter                                        Filters used to list entries.                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter clear [Enter]                          Clear all filters.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall auth filter group [Group name]                     Group name.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter method [fw, fsso, ntlm]                method                                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter policy [xxx - Policy ID]               Policy ID.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter source [IPv4 source]                   IPv4 source address.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter source6 [IPv6 source]                  IPv6 source address.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth filter user [User name]                       User name                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall auth ipv6 [clear | list]                           Authenticated IPv6 users.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall auth list                                          List authenticated IPv4 users.                                                 [5.0]
       ----- 0 listed, 0 filtered ------

firewall blocking

       # diagnose firewall blocking list [ipv4 Source IP]                     List information.                                                              [5.0] 

firewall dns-xlate

       # diagnose firewall dns-xlate [mapping | pool]                         DNS translation.                                                               [5.2]
       # diagnose firewall dns-xlate mapping list
       List DNS translation mapping:(vf=root)
       # diagnose firewall dns-xlate pool list
       List DNS translation pool:(vf=root)

firewall fqdn

       # diagnose firewall fqdn flush                                         Flush IP info of FQDN.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall fqdn list                                          List all FQDN.                                                                 [5.0]
       List all FQDN: ID(39) REF(2) ID(56) REF(2) ID(60) REF(2) ID(63) REF(2) ID(69) REF(2) ID(76) REF(2) ID(97) REF(2) ID(103) REF(2) ID(129) REF(2) ID(133) REF(2) ID(135) REF(2) ID(154) REF(2) ID(164) REF(2) ID(201) REF(2) ID(204) REF(2) ID(205) REF(2) ID(227) REF(2) ID(239) REF(2) ID(244) REF(2) ID(252) REF(2) ID(255) REF(2)
       # diagnose firewall fqdn purge                                         Purge all unused FQDN.                                                         [5.0]

firewall ip-translation

       # diagnose firewall ip-translation [flush | list]                      IP translation.                                                                [5.0][5.2]

firewall ip_host

       # diagnose firewall ip_host add                                        Add ip_host.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host add dev [Device name]                      Device tree name                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host add dst [ipv4 Destination]                 Destination tree ipv4                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host add src [ipv4 Source]                      Source tree ipv4                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall ip_host clr [dev | dst | src]                      Clear ip_host node.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host del                                        Del ip_host entry.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host del dev [Device name]                      Device tree name                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host del dst [ipv4 Destination]                 Destination tree ipv4                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host del src [ipv4 Source]                      Source tree ipv4                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall ip_host list                                       List ip_host.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host list dev [Device name]                     Device tree name                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host list dst [ipv4 Destination]                Destination tree ipv4                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host list ep-ip [ipv4 Source]                   Source tree ipv4                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall ip_host list src [ipv4 Source]                     Source tree ipv4                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall ip_host rem                                        Del ip_host node.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host rem dev [Device name]                      Device tree name                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host rem dst [ipv4 Destination]                 Destination tree ipv4                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host rem src [ipv4 Source]                      Source tree ipv4                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ip_host stat                                       stat                                                                           [5.0]

firewall ipgeo

       # diagnose firewall ipgeo copyright-notice                             Copyright note.                                                                [5.0]
       Copyright (c) 2011 MaxMind Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
       # diagnose firewall ipgeo country-list                                 List all countries.                                                            [5.0]
       Total countries loaded:2
       # diagnose firewall ipgeo ip-list [Country ID example CH]              List IP info of country.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall ipgeo ip2country [ipv4 address]                    Get country info for the IP.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ipgeo override                                     Print out all user defined IP geolocation data.                                [5.0]

firewall iplist

       # diagnose firewall iplist [flush | list optimized]                    IP list.                                                                       [5.0][5.2]

firewall iplist6

       # diagnose firewall iplist6 [flush | list optimized]                   IP list.                                                                       [5.0][5.2]

firewall ipmac

       # diagnose firewall ipmac                                              ipmac                                                                          [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose firewall ipmac add [ - IP address]           IP address.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ipmac delete [ - IP address]         IP address.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ipmac flush                                        flush                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ipmac list                                         list                                                                           [5.0]
       List firewall IP/MAC address pairs:
       ip= mac=08:5b:0e:a3:97:a6 act=01 flag=00
       ip= mac=9c:b7:0d:de:8f:74 act=01 flag=00
       ip= mac=08:5b:0e:5d:f7:0c act=01 flag=00
       # diagnose firewall ipmac status                                       status                                                                         [5.0] 
       ipmac status: enable=0, default_act=0, count=3

firewall ippool

       # diagnose firewall ippool flush                                       flush                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ippool list                                        list                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ippool list nat-ip                                 List allocated IP in ippool.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ippool list pba                                    List PBA in ippool.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall ippool list user                                   List users of ippool.                                                          [5.0]

       # diagnose firewall ippool stats                                       statistics                                                                     [5.0]
       Total 0 ippool is allocated.
       Total 0 client host is online.
       Total 0 natip is allocated.
       Total 0 PBA is allocated.
       Approximate 0 PBA is allocated in 1 second before.

firewall ippool-fixed-range

       # diagnose firewall ippool-fixed-range                                 Fixed range IP pool.                                                           [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose firewall ippool-fixed-range list natip [natip < | natip + port]

firewall iprope

       # diagnose firewall iprope appctrl                                     List application control lists.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope appctrl list                                List application control lists.                                                [5.0]
       app-list=default/2000 other-action=Pass
         app-id=1          list-id=2000  action=Pass
         app-id=2          list-id=2000  action=Pass
         app-id=3          list-id=2000  action=Pass
         app-id=4          list-id=2000  action=Pass
         app-id=6          list-id=2000  action=Pass
         app-id=7          list-id=2000  action=Pass
         app-id=8          list-id=2000  action=Pass
       # diagnose firewall iprope appctrl shaper list                         List application control app shapers.                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope appctrl stats clear                         Clear application control app statistics.                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope appctrl stats list                          List application control app statistics.                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope appctrl status                              Application control list status.                                               [5.0] 
       appctrl table 3 list 2 app 6762 shaper 0
       # diagnose firewall iprope clear                                       Clear policy statistic.                                                        [5.0]
        clear group idx ...
       # diagnose firewall iprope flush [No. - Number, hexadecimal]           flush                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope list [No. - Number, hexadecimal]            list                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope show                                        show                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope state                                       state                                                                          [5.0]
       av_break=pass/off av_conserve=off Alloc: iprope=196 shaper=27 user=0 nodes=27 pol=332
       app_src=0 auth_logon=0 auth_info=0
       av_service=http  fail open act=off
       av_service=imap  fail open act=off
       av_service=pop3  fail open act=off
       av_service=smtp  fail open act=off
       av_service=ftp   fail open act=off
       av_service=im    fail open act=off
       av_service=p2p   fail open act=off
       av_service=nntp  fail open act=off
       av_service=https fail open act=off
       av_service=imaps fail open act=off
       av_service=pop3s fail open act=off
       av_service=smtps fail open act=off
       av_service=ftps  fail open act=off
       av_service=cifs  fail open act=off
       total group number = 24 act=2
       00004e20 00100000 00000001 00004e21 00100012 00004e22 00100002 00004e23 00100003 00000003 00004e24 00100004 00000005 00004e25 00060005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00100009 0010000a 0010000c 0010000d 0010000e 0010000f 

firewall iprope6

       # diagnose firewall iprope6 clear                                      Clear policy statistic.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope6 flush [No. - Number, hexadecimal]          flush                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope6 list [No. - Number, hexadecimal]           list                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall iprope6 show                                       show                                                                           [5.0]
        show group idx ...
       # diagnose firewall iprope6 state                                      state                                                                          [5.0]
       av_break = off/block av_conserve = block
       alloc: iprope = 196 shaper = 27 user = 0
       default action: 2
       groups: total number 9
       00000001 00100012 00100003 00000003 00100004 00000005 00000006 0010000e 0010000f 

firewall ipv6-ehf

       # diagnose firewall ipv6-ehf                                           IPv6 extension header filter.                                                  [5.0][5.2]
       ipv6 extension header filter:
               flags: 0x00000004 rout
               routing types: 0

firewall packet

       # diagnose firewall packet distribution                                Packet statistics.                                                             [5.0][5.2]
       getting packet distribution statistics...
       0 bytes - 63 bytes: 3243883 packets
       64 bytes - 127 bytes: 11859967 packets
       128 bytes - 255 bytes: 964121 packets
       256 bytes - 383 bytes: 190072 packets
       384 bytes - 511 bytes: 13840 packets
       512 bytes - 767 bytes: 59863 packets
       768 bytes - 1023 bytes: 18604 packets
       1024 bytes - 1279 bytes: 98551 packets
       1280 bytes - 1500 bytes: 72256 packets
        > 1500 bytes: 0 packets

firewall proute

       # diagnose firewall proute list                                        Policy route.                                                                  [5.0][5.2]
       list route policy info(vf=root):

firewall proute6

       # diagnose firewall proute6 list                                       IPv6 policy route.                                                             [5.0][5.2]

firewall schedule

       # diagnose firewall schedule list                                      schedule                                                                       [5.0][5.2]
       none weekly ------- start 0:0 stop 0:0 stat=00000001 use=1
       always weekly SMTWTFS start 0:0 stop 0:0 stat=00000000 use=27

firewall shaper

       # diagnose firewall shaper per-ip-shaper                               Traffic shapers.                                                               [5.0]
       clear        Use this command to clear the per-ip statistical data to begin a fresh diagnoses. 
       list         Use this command to view information for the per-IP shaper for security policies. 
       state        This command displays the total number of per-ip shapers on the FortiGate unit. 
       stats        This command displays a summary statistics on the shapers. 
       # diagnose firewall shaper per-ip-shaper clear                         Per-IP clear statistic data.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall shaper per-ip-shaper list                          List per-IP shapers.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall shaper per-ip-shaper state                         Per-IP shapers state.                                                          [5.0]
       memory allocated 0
       # diagnose firewall shaper per-ip-shaper stats                         Per-IP shapers statistic.                                                      [5.0] 
       memory allocated 0 packet dropped: 0
       # diagnose firewall shaper traffic-shaper                              Traffic shapers.                                                               [5.0]
       list         Use this command to view information for the shared traffic shaper for security policies. 
       state        Use this command to display the total number of traffic shapers on the FortiGate unit. 
       stats clear  Use this command to clear the per-ip statistical data to begin a fresh diagnoses. 
       stats list   Use this command to view information for the per-IP shaper for security policies enter the command. 
       # diagnose firewall shaper traffic-shaper list                         List traffic shapers.                                                          [5.0]
       name Citrix-CS4-AF41
       maximum-bandwidth 0 KB/sec
       guaranteed-bandwidth 0 KB/sec
       current-bandwidth 0 B/sec
       priority 2
       tos 22 
       packets dropped 0
       name local-guarantee-100kbps.intra
       maximum-bandwidth 131072 KB/sec
       guaranteed-bandwidth 12 KB/sec
       current-bandwidth 0 B/sec
       priority 2
       tos ff 
       packets dropped 0
       # diagnose firewall shaper traffic-shaper state                        Global traffic shaper state.                                                   [5.0]
       shapers 6
       # diagnose firewall shaper traffic-shaper stats clear                  Clear traffic shaper statistics.                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall shaper traffic-shaper stats list                   List traffic shaper statistics.                                                [5.0] 
       shapers 6 ipv4 0 ipv6 0 drops 0

firewall statistic

       # diagnose firewall statistic                                          Traffic statistics.                                                            [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose firewall statistic clear                                    Clear traffic stats.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall statistic show                                     Show traffic stats.                                                            [5.0] 
       show        Use the show command to display throughput information for the firewall broken down, into categories, 
                   by both packets and bytes. Categories include common applications such as DNS, FTP, IM, P2P, and VoIP 
                   and also includes the lower level protocols — TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP. 
       clear       Use the clear command to clear and reset the throughput information. 

firewall uuid

       # diagnose firewall uuid                                               UUID list.                                                                     [5.2]

firewall vip

       # diagnose firewall vip                                                                        VIP diagnostics.                                       [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver                                                             Load balance real servers.                             [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver down [name |]                               Change address down.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver flush                                                       flush                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver healthcheck stats clear                                     Clear health check statistics.                         [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver healthcheck stats show                                      Show health check statistics.                          [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver list                                                        list                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip realserver up [name |]                                 Change address up.                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter                                                  Filter for various virtual server diagnostics.         [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter clear                                            Erase the current filter.                              [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter dst [ip-address from |ip-address to]             Destination address range to filter by.                [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter dst-port [port from | port to]                   Destination port range to filter by.                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter list                                             Display the current filter.                            [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter name [name]                                      VIP name to filter by.                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter negate dst-addr                                  Negate IPv4 destination address.                       [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter negate dst-port                                  Negate destination port.                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter negate name                                      Negate name.                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter negate src-addr                                  Negate IPv4 source address.                            [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter negate src-port                                  Negate source port.                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter negate vd                                        negate virtual domain                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log                                                     Logging diagnostics.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log console disable                                     Do not show virtual-server log on console.             [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log console enable                                      Show virtual-server log on console.                    [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter clear                                        Erase the current filter. 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter dst [ip-address from | ip-address to]        Destination address range to filter by.                [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter dst-port [port destination]                  Destination port range to filter by.                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter list                                         Display the current filter.                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter name [name]                                  Virtual-server name to filter by.                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter negate dst-addr                              Negate IPv4 destination address.                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter negate dst-port                              Negate destination port.                               [5.0]  
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter negate name                                  Negate name.                                           [5.0]  
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter negate src-addr                              Negate IPv4 source address.                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter negate src-port                              Negate source port.                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log filter negate vd                                    Negate virtual domain.                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log terminal clear                                      Clear debug log terminals.                             [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log terminal reset                                      Reset debug log terminals.                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server log terminal stats                                      Show debug log terminal statistics.                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server real-server                                             Real-server diagnostics.                               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session                                                 Session diagnostics.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session clear                                           Clear all active sessions.                             [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session client clear                                    Clear client sessions.                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session client list                                     List active client sessions.                           [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session list                                            List active sessions.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session server clear                                    Clear server sessions.                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server session server list                                     List active server sessions.                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats                                                   Statistics.                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats clear                                             Clear all statistics.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats http clear                                        Clear HTTP statistics.                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats http list                                         List HTTP statistics.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats list                                              List all statistics.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats operational all                                   Display per-process operational info and statistics.   [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats operational list                                  Display operational info and statistics.               [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats summary clear                                     Clear summary statistics.                              [5.0]
       # diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats summary list                                      List summary statistics.                               [5.0] 


FortiCare Service.

forticare protocol

       # diagnose forticare protocol [HTTP or HTTPS]                          HTTP or HTTPS.                                                                 [5.0][5.2]

forticare server

       # diagnose forticare server [Server IP (0:disable)]                    FortiCare server.                                                              [5.0][5.2]


forticlient add-connection

       # diagnose forticlient add-connection                                  Add test FortiClient connection.                                               [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose forticlient add-connection [Forticlient name] [User name] [Client Id] [Host OS] [Source IP] 

forticlient close-all-connection

       # diagnose forticlient close-all-connection                            Close all test FortiClient connection.                                         [5.0][5.2]

forticlient close-connection

       # diagnose forticlient close-connection                                Close test FortiClient connection.                                             [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose forticlient close-connection handle                         FortiClient connection handle; Type enter to list current handles


fortitoken debug

       # diagnose fortitoken debug disable                                   Disable debug output.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose fortitoken debug enable                                    Enable debug output.                                                            [5.0]

fortitoken info

       # diagnose fortitoken info                                            Show current drift and status for each FortiToken.                              [5.0][5.2]
       FTKMOB619EA900F5 0      new
       FTKMOB41806139B5 0      new
       Total activated token: 0
       Total global activated token: 0
       Token server status: reachable

fortitoken test

       # diagnose fortitoken test [FortiToken ID]                            Test FortiToken with screen setting for drift of internal clock.                [5.0][5.2]


hardware certificate

       # diagnose hardware certificate                                       Verify certificates.                                                            [5.0][5.2]

Checking Fortinet_CA.cer integrality ........Passed Checking Fortinet_Factory.cer integrality ........Passed Checking Fortinet_Factory.cer key-pair integrality ........Passed Checking Fortinet_Factory.cer Serial-No. ........Passed Checking Fortinet_Factory.cer timeliness ........Passed Checking Fortinet_Factory.key integrality ........Passed Checking Fortinet_CA2.cer existent ........[Not Exist] Checking Fortinet_Factory2.cer existent ........[Not Exist] Checking Fortinet_Factory2.key existent ........[Not Exist]

hardware deviceinfo

       # diagnose hardware deviceinfo                                                       Get device information.                                          [5.0][5.2]
       disk    Use the <disk> command to display all disks in the FortiGate unit. This includes hard disks, and SSD disks.
               The information includes partitions, size, type, and available space. 
       nic     Use the <nic> command to display information about the network card attached to the interface. The information 
               displayed varies by the type of NIC. It will include the VLAN id, state,link, speed, counts for received and 
               transmitted packets and bytes. The MAC for this NIC is Current_HWaddr and Permant_HWaddr, and this is only 
               place you can see both the old and new MAC when it is changed. 
       # diagnose hardware deviceinfo disk                                                   Display information of all disks.                               [5.0] 
       EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended
       Disk Internal-0(boot) ref:       3.8GB    type: USB [FORTINET S01_V130521_004] dev: /dev/sda
         partition ref:     247.0MB, 216.0MB free  mounted: Y  label:  dev: /dev/sda1(boot)
         partition ref:     247.0MB, 216.0MB free  mounted: N  label:  dev: /dev/sda2(boot)
         partition ref:       3.2GB,   3.1GB free  mounted: Y  label:  dev: /dev/sda3
       Disk Internal        ref:  16   7.5GB    type: USB [FORTINET S01_V130819_008] dev: /dev/sdb
         partition ref:  17   7.4GB,   7.3GB free  mounted: Y  label: 27079BFE01A8811C dev: /dev/sdb1
       Total available disks: 2
       Max SSD disks: 0  Available storage disks: 1
       # diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic [dmz|eth4|eth5|eth6|eth7|eth8|internal|wan1|wan2]  Display NIC information.                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic
       The following NICs are available:
       # diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic dmz
       Driver Name     :Fortinet NP4Lite Driver
       Version         :1.0.0
       Admin           :up
       Current_HWaddr   08:5b:0e:47:db:57
       Permanent_HWaddr 08:5b:0e:47:db:57
       Status          :up
       Speed           :100
       Duplex          :Half
       Host Rx Pkts    :2303106
       Host Rx Bytes   :548062496
       Host Tx Pkts    :2250533
       Host Tx Bytes   :347212131
       Rx Pkts         :2303106
       Rx Bytes        :580305980
       Tx Pkts         :2250533
       Tx Bytes        :330921975
       rx_buffer_len   :2048
       Hidden          :No
       cmd_in_list     : 0
       promiscuous     : 1

hardware ioport

       # diagnose hardware ioport                                            Read/write data via IO port.                                                    [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose hardware ioport byte [arg] [address_hex]                   Read/write byte via IO port.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose hardware ioport long [arg] [address_hex]                   Read/write long via IO port.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose hardware ioport word [arg] [address_hex]                   Read/write word via IO port.                                                    [5.0] 
       Variable       Description
       <address_hex>  Type the hexadecimal address of the I/O port of which you want to read data in byte.  
       <address_hex>  Type the hexadecimal address of the I/O port of which you want to read data in sentence.  
       <address_hex>  Type the hexadecimal address of the I/O port of which you want to read data in word.  

hardware ipsec

       # diagnose hardware ipsec                                             Get ASIC IPsec information.                                                     [5.0][5.2]

hardware lspci

       # diagnose hardware lspci [arg]                                       List PCI parameters.                                                            [5.0][5.2]
       arg   Description
       -v    Be verbose  
       -n    Show numeric ID's  
       -nn   Show both textual and numeric ID's (names & numbers)  
       -b    Bus-centric view (PCI addresses and IRQ's instead of those seen by the CPU)  
       -x    Show hex-dump of the standard portion of config space  
       -xxx  Show hex-dump of the whole config space (dangerous; root only)  
       -xxxx Show hex-dump of the 4096-byte extended config space (root only)  
       -s    [[[[<domain>]:]<bus>]:][<slot>][.[<func>]] Show only devices in selected slots  
       -d    [<vendor>]:[<device>] Show only selected devices  
       -t    Show bus tree  
       -m    Produce machine-readable output  
       -i    <file>  Use specified ID database instead of /etc//pci.ids  
       -D    Always show domain numbers  
       -M    Enable `bus mapping' mode (dangerous; root only)  
       -P    <dir> Use specified directory instead of /proc/bus/pci  
       -F    <file> Read configuration data from given file  
       -G    Enable PCI access debugging  

hardware pciconfig

       # diagnose hardware pciconfig                                         Get PCI information.                                                            [5.0][5.2]

hardware setpci

       # diagnose hardware setpci [arg] [arg] [arg]                          Set PCI parameters.                                                             [5.0][5.2]
       -f Don't complain if there's nothing to do 
       -v Be verbose 
       -D List changes, don't commit them 
       -P <dir> Use specified directory instead of /proc/bus/pci 
       -F <file> Read configuration data from given file 
       -G Enable PCI access debugging 
       <device>: -s [[[<domain>]:][<bus>]:][<slot>][.[<func>]] 
       | -d [<vendor>]:[<device>] 
       <reg>: <number>[.(B|W|L)] 
       | <name> 
       <values>: <value>[,<value>...] 
       <value>: <hex> 
       | <hex>:<mask> 

hardware sysinfo

       # diagnose hardware sysinfo cpu                                       Display detailed information for all installed CPU(s).                          [5.0]
       Processor       : ARMid(wb) rev 1 (v4l)
       model name      : FortiSOC2
       BogoMIPS        : 799.53
       Features        : swp half thumb 
       Hardware        : FSoC2_ASIC
       Revision        : 0000
       Serial          : 0000000000000000
       Imp: 0x66 Arch: 0x5 Part: 0x726 Ver: 0x1
       Ctype: 14 DSize: 6 DASS: 8 DLEN: 32 ISize: 6 IASS: 8 ILEN: 32
       Seperated TLB: Associativity 0
       0x0005317f HUM: En Vec Base:0xffff0000 IC:En BP:Dis RomP:Dis
       SysP:En WB:En DC: En Align:En
       0x00000000 SB: Dis DB:Dis RS:Dis
       # diagnose hardware sysinfo interrupts                                Display system interrupts information.                                          [5.0]
         0:  344849539   Timer Tick
         8:          0   soc2_vpn
        10:          0   soc2_pkce2
        20:   36073893   np4lite
        27:          0   ehci_hcd
        28:    1377222   ehci_hcd
        32:      16008   serial
       Err:          0
       # diagnose hardware sysinfo iomem                                     Display memory map of I/O ports.                                                [5.0]
       00000000-77ffffff : System RAM
         00018000-00210f83 : Kernel code
         00210f84-0028b877 : Kernel data
       # diagnose hardware sysinfo ioports                                   Display address list of I/O ports.                                              [5.0]
       fe410000-fe410007 : serial(set)
       fe420000-fe420007 : serial(auto)
       fe430000-fe430007 : serial(auto)
       fe470000-fe480000 : Timer 0~2
       # diagnose hardware sysinfo memory                                    Display system memory information.                                              [5.0]
       total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached: shm:
       Mem:  1928380416 500678656 1427701760        0 68730880 176816128 167763968
       Swap:        0        0        0
       MemTotal:      1883184 kB
       MemFree:       1394240 kB
       MemShared:           0 kB
       Buffers:         67120 kB
       Cached:         172672 kB
       SwapCached:          0 kB
       Active:         126976 kB
       Inactive:       112944 kB
       HighTotal:           0 kB
       HighFree:            0 kB
       LowTotal:      1883184 kB
       LowFree:       1394240 kB
       SwapTotal:           0 kB
       SwapFree:            0 kB
       # diagnose hardware sysinfo mtrr                                      Display memory type range register.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose hardware sysinfo slab                                      Display memory allocation information.                                          [5.0]
       slabinfo - version: 1.1
       kmem_cache            72    140    112    2    2    1 0
       tcp6_session           0      0    928    0    0    1 0
       ip6_session            0      9    864    0    1    1 1
       sctp_session           0      0    864    0    0    1 0
       tcp_session            6     18    864    1    2    1 1
       ip_session             7     60    800    2    6    1 4
       ip6_mrt_cache          0      0    352    0    0    1 0
       fib6_nodes            15    226     32    1    1    1 0
       ip6_dst_cache         49     70    224    2    2    1 0
       ndisc_cache            3     61    128    1    1    1 0
       ip_mrt_cache           0      0    320    0    0    1 0
       tcp_tw_bucket          0     49    160    0    1    1 1
       tcp_bind_bucket       46    226     32    1    1    1 0
       tcp_open_request       0     61    128    0    1    1 1
       inet_peer_cache        5    120     64    1    1    1 0
       ip_dst_cache          13     41    192    1    1    1 0
       ip_fib_hash           34    226     32    1    1    1 0
       arp_cache              5     61    128    1    1    1 0
       vf                     4      7   2208    1    1    2 0
       vf_entry              21    290     24    1    1    1 0
       if_event_cache         0    120     64    0    1    1 1
       blkdev_requests     2048   3078     96   26   38    1 12
       journal_head           5    156     48    1    1    1 0
       revoke_table           2    509     12    1    1    1 0
       revoke_record          0    226     32    0    1    1 1
       eventpoll pwq        346    406     36    2    2    1 0
       eventpoll epi        340    405     96    5    5    1 0
       dnotify_cache          0      0     20    0    0    1 0
       file_lock_cache        2     88     88    1    1    1 0
       fasync_cache           0      0     16    0    0    1 0
       uid_cache              0      0     32    0    0    1 0
       pkt_buf_head_cache    401    464    480   28   29    1 1
       sock                 403    440    928   52   55    1 3
       sigqueue               0     59    132    0    1    1 1
       kiobuf                 0      0     64    0    0    1 0
       cdev_cache           638    720     64    6    6    1 0
       bdev_cache             3    120     64    1    1    1 0
       mnt_cache             19    120     64    1    1    1 0
       inode_cache         5673   5724    448  317  318    1 1
       dentry_cache        5580   5673    128   92   93    1 1
       filp                3651   3660    128   60   60    1 0
       names_cache            0      4   4096    0    2    1 2
       buffer_head        25382  29727     96  315  367    1 52
       mm_struct             71    122    128    2    2    1 0
       vm_area_struct     12314  13800     64  108  115    1 7
       fs_cache              70    226     32    1    1    1 0
       files_cache           71     95    416    4    5    1 1
       signal_act            79     90   1312   14   15    1 1
       pte-cache           3303   3752   2048  826  938    1 112
       size-131072(DMA)       0      0 131072    0    0   16 0
       size-131072            5      5 131072    5    5   16 0
       size-65536(DMA)        0      0  65536    0    0    8 0
       size-65536             4      4  65536    4    4    8 0
       size-32768(DMA)        0      0  32768    0    0    4 0
       size-32768             2      3  32768    2    3    4 1
       size-16384(DMA)        0      0  16384    0    0    2 0
       size-16384            12     15  16384   12   15    2 3
       size-8192(DMA)         0      0   8192    0    0    1 0
       size-8192              7      8   8192    7    8    1 1
       size-4096(DMA)         0      0   4096    0    0    1 0
       size-4096            378    402   4096  192  201    1 9
       size-2048(DMA)         0      0   2048    0    0    1 0
       size-2048            227    312   2048   57   78    1 21
       size-1024(DMA)         0      0   1024    0    0    1 0
       size-1024            283    312   1024   38   39    1 1
       size-512(DMA)          0      0    512    0    0    1 0
       size-512             303    345    512   22   23    1 1
       size-256(DMA)          0      0    256    0    0    1 0
       size-256              42    186    256    2    6    1 4
       size-128(DMA)          0      0    128    0    0    1 0
       size-128            5072   5124    128   84   84    1 0
       size-64(DMA)           0      0     64    0    0    1 0
       size-64            14828  21720     64  133  181    1 48


IM and P2P.

imp2p aim-sip-factories

       # diagnose imp2p aim-sip-factories                                   AIM SIP factories.                                                               [5.0]

imp2p aim-voice-calls

       # diagnose imp2p aim-voice-calls                                     AIM SIP factories.                                                               [5.0]

imp2p debug-console

       # diagnose imp2p debug-console                                       Debug consoles.                                                                  [5.0]

imp2p flush

       # diagnose imp2p flush aim                                           AOL Messenger sessions.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p flush all                                           All IM sessions.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p flush icq                                           ICQ sessions.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p flush msn                                           MSN Messenger sessions.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p flush yahoo                                         Yahoo Messenger sessions.                                                        [5.0]

imp2p im-configs

       # diagnose imp2p im-configs                                          Debug consoles.                                                                  [5.0]

imp2p log-debug

       # diagnose imp2p log-debug [log on console, 0 off, otherwise, on]    Enable/disable IM proxy log on console.                                          [5.0]

imp2p log-filter

       # diagnose imp2p log-filter clear                                    Clear the current filter.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter dst-addr [Destination IPv4]              IPv4 destination address range to filter by.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter dst-port [Destination Port]              Destination port to filter by.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter list                                     Display the current filter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter negate dst-addr4                         Negate the dst-addr4 filter.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter negate dst-port                          Negate the dst-port filter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter negate protocol                          Negate the protocol filter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter negate src-addr4                         Negate the src-addr4 filter.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter negate src-port                          Negate the src-port filter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter negate vd                                Negate the virtual domain filter.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter protocol aim                             Filter AIM traffic.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter protocol icq                             Filter ICQ traffic.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter protocol msn                             Filter MSN traffic.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter protocol yahoo                           Filter Yahoo traffic.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter src-addr4 [Source IPv4]                  IPv4 source address range to filter by.                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter src-port [Source Port]                   Source port to filter by.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p log-filter vd [Index | -1]                         ]Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                                         [5.0]

imp2p profile

       # diagnose imp2p profile app                                        All application profiles.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p profile av                                         All AV profiles.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p profile dlp                                        All DLP profiles.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p profile proto-opts                                 All protocol options                                                              [5.0]

imp2p redirect

       # diagnose imp2p redirect dns flush                                  Flush DNS-detected redirects.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p redirect dns list                                   List DNS-detected redirects.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p redirect dns remove                                 Remove persistent copy of DNS-detected redirects.                                [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p redirect dns restore                                Restore persistent copy of DNS-detected redirects.                               [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p redirect dns save                                   Store a persistent copy of DNS-detected redirects.                               [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p redirect list                                       All IM redirects.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p redirect range list                                 Permanent IP address redirect ranges.                                            [5.0]

imp2p restart

       # diagnose imp2p restart                                             Restart IM, SIP, and SCCP.                                                       [5.0]

imp2p session

       # diagnose imp2p session list                                        List IM sessions.                                                                [5.0]

imp2p stats

       # diagnose imp2p stats bandwidth                                     P2P bandwidth usage.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats block-users aim                               AOL Messenger users.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats block-users all                               All IM users.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats block-users icq                               ICQ users.                                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats block-users msn                               MSN Messenger users.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats block-users yahoo                             Yahoo Messenger users.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats chat                                          Statistics of IM chat usage.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats clear                                         Reset all the IM and P2P statistics.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats files                                         Statistics of IM file transfers.                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats mem full                                      Memory usage details.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats mem summary                                   Memory usage summary.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats messages                                      Statistics of IM messages exchanged.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats proto                                         Full listing of raw protocol statistics.                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats reset-time                                    Time of last stats reset.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p stats usage                                         Statistics of IM usage.                                                          [5.0]

imp2p tmp-users

       # diagnose imp2p tmp-users aim                                       Temporary AOL Messenger users.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p tmp-users all                                       All Temporary IM users.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p tmp-users icq                                       Temporary ICQ users.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p tmp-users msn                                       Temporary MSN Messenger users.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p tmp-users yahoo                                     Temporary Yahoo Messenger users.                                                 [5.0]

imp2p users

       # diagnose imp2p users aim                                           AOL Messenger users.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p users aim-stun                                      AIM STUN users.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p users all                                           All IM users.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p users icq                                           ICQ users.                                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p users msn                                           MSN Messenger users.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose imp2p users yahoo                                         Yahoo Messenger users.                                                           [5.0]


ip address

       # diagnose ip address add [intf-name] [ipv4 address] [Subnet Mask]   Add IP address.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip address delete [intf-name] [ipv4 address]              Delete IP address.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ip address flush [intf-name]                              Flush IP addresses.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ip address list                                           List IP addresses.                                                               [5.0]
       IP=> index=4 devname=dmz
       IP=> index=5 devname=wan1
       IP=> index=7 devname=internal1
       IP=> index=66 devname=root
       IP=> index=68 devname=fortinet4intern
       IP=> index=69 devname=fortinet4guest
       IP=> index=73 devname=vsys_ha
       IP=> index=75 devname=vsys_fgfm

ip arp

       # diagnose ip arp add [intf-name] [ipv4 address] [MAC Address]       Add an ARP entry.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ip arp delete [intf-name] [ipv4 address]                  Delete an ARP entry.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ip arp flush  [intf-name]                                 Flush ARP table.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose ip arp list                                               Show ARP table.                                                                  [5.0]
       index=66 ifname=root 00:00:00:00:00:00 state=00000040 use=96620321 confirm=96626321 update=96620321 ref=2
       index=7 ifname=internal1 state=00000001 use=87 confirm=96626622 update=244 ref=3
       index=4 ifname=dmz 08:5b:0e:a3:97:a6 state=00000002 use=852 confirm=3353 update=1853 ref=2
       index=4 ifname=dmz 08:5b:0e:5d:f7:0c state=00000002 use=419 confirm=2920 update=2920 ref=2
       index=5 ifname=wan1 00:90:0b:3b:d6:c2 state=00000008 use=94 confirm=4091 update=496 ref=3

ip framed-ip

       # diagnose ip framed-ip                                              Framed IP.                                                                       [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ip framed-ip delete [ipv4 address]                        Delete Framed IP.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ip framed-ip delete-all [Service name, ENTER for options] Delete Framed IPS belong to the same service.
       # diagnose ip framed-ip delete-all
       Available services:
               test                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip framed-ip list                                         List Framed IP.                                                                  [5.0] 

ip get-igmp-limit

       # diagnose ip get-igmp-limit                                         Get max IGMP states.                                                             [5.0] 
       igmp limit: 3200

ip group-membership

       # diagnose ip group-membership                                       Multicast group membership.                                                      [5.0]
       Idx     Device    : Count Querier       Group    Users Timer    Reporter
       3       eth0      :     1      V2
       4       dmz       :     3      V2
                                       8C0100E0     1 0:FA3D484B               1
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       5       wan1      :     3      V2
                                       8C0100E0     1 0:FA3D46AC               1
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       6       wan2      :     1      V2
       7       internal1 :     3      V2
                                       8C0100E0     1 0:FA3D4992               1
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       8       internal2 :     1      V2
       9       internal3 :     1      V2
       10      internal4 :     1      V2
       11      internal5 :     1      V2
       12      internal6 :     1      V2
       13      internal7 :     1      V2
       14      eth11     :     1      V2
       15      swvl12    :     1      V2
       16      swvl13    :     1      V2
       17      swvl14    :     1      V2
       18      swvl15    :     1      V2
       19      swvl16    :     1      V2
       20      swvl17    :     1      V2
       21      swvl18    :     1      V2
       22      swvl19    :     1      V2
       23      swvl20    :     1      V2
       24      swvl21    :     1      V2
       25      swvl22    :     1      V2
       26      swvl23    :     1      V2
       27      swvl24    :     1      V2
       28      swvl25    :     1      V2
       29      swvl26    :     1      V2
       30      swvl27    :     1      V2
       31      swvl28    :     1      V2
       32      swvl29    :     1      V2
       33      swvl30    :     1      V2
       34      swvl31    :     1      V2
       35      swvl32    :     1      V2
       36      swvl33    :     1      V2
       37      swvl34    :     1      V2
       38      swvl35    :     1      V2
       39      swvl36    :     1      V2
       40      swvl37    :     1      V2
       41      swvl38    :     1      V2
       42      swvl39    :     1      V2
       43      swvl40    :     1      V2
       44      swvl41    :     1      V2
       45      swvl42    :     1      V2
       46      swvl43    :     1      V2
       47      swvl44    :     1      V2
       48      swvl45    :     1      V2
       49      swvl46    :     1      V2
       50      swvl47    :     1      V2
       51      swvl48    :     1      V2
       52      swvl49    :     1      V2
       53      swvl50    :     1      V2
       54      swvl51    :     1      V2
       55      swvl52    :     1      V2
       56      swvl53    :     1      V2
       57      swvl54    :     1      V2
       58      swvl55    :     1      V2
       59      swvl56    :     1      V2
       60      swvl57    :     1      V2
       61      swvl58    :     1      V2
       62      swvl59    :     1      V2
       63      modem     :     0      V2
       66      root      :     0      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       67      ssl.root  :     0      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       68      fortinet4intern:     2      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA999               0
       69      fortinet4guest:     2      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       70      ipsec-fc  :     0      V2
       71      ipsec-ios :     0      V2
       72      ipsec-cisco:     0      V2
       73      vsys_ha   :     0      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0
       74      port_ha   :     2      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EC97A9D5               0
       75      vsys_fgfm :     0      V2
                                       010000E0     1 0:EB6DA98C               0

ip mac

       # diagnose ip mac                                                    Multicast MAC listing.                                                           [5.0]                
       3    eth0            1     0     333300000001
       4    dmz             1     0     01005e00018c
       4    dmz             1     0     01005e000001
       4    dmz             1     0     333300000001
       5    wan1            1     0     01005e00018c
       5    wan1            1     0     01005e000001
       5    wan1            1     0     333300000001
       6    wan2            1     0     333300000001
       7    internal1       1     0     01005e00018c
       7    internal1       1     0     01005e000001
       7    internal1       1     0     333300000001
       8    internal2       1     0     333300000001
       9    internal3       1     0     333300000001
       10   internal4       1     0     333300000001
       11   internal5       1     0     333300000001
       12   internal6       1     0     333300000001
       13   internal7       1     0     333300000001
       14   eth11           1     0     333300000001
       15   swvl12          1     0     333300000001
       16   swvl13          1     0     333300000001
       17   swvl14          1     0     333300000001
       18   swvl15          1     0     333300000001
       19   swvl16          1     0     333300000001
       20   swvl17          1     0     333300000001
       21   swvl18          1     0     333300000001
       22   swvl19          1     0     333300000001
       23   swvl20          1     0     333300000001
       24   swvl21          1     0     333300000001
       25   swvl22          1     0     333300000001
       26   swvl23          1     0     333300000001
       27   swvl24          1     0     333300000001
       28   swvl25          1     0     333300000001
       29   swvl26          1     0     333300000001
       30   swvl27          1     0     333300000001
       31   swvl28          1     0     333300000001
       32   swvl29          1     0     333300000001
       33   swvl30          1     0     333300000001
       34   swvl31          1     0     333300000001
       35   swvl32          1     0     333300000001
       36   swvl33          1     0     333300000001
       37   swvl34          1     0     333300000001
       38   swvl35          1     0     333300000001
       39   swvl36          1     0     333300000001
       40   swvl37          1     0     333300000001
       41   swvl38          1     0     333300000001
       42   swvl39          1     0     333300000001
       43   swvl40          1     0     333300000001
       44   swvl41          1     0     333300000001
       45   swvl42          1     0     333300000001
       46   swvl43          1     0     333300000001
       47   swvl44          1     0     333300000001
       48   swvl45          1     0     333300000001
       49   swvl46          1     0     333300000001
       50   swvl47          1     0     333300000001
       51   swvl48          1     0     333300000001
       52   swvl49          1     0     333300000001
       53   swvl50          1     0     333300000001
       54   swvl51          1     0     333300000001
       55   swvl52          1     0     333300000001
       56   swvl53          1     0     333300000001
       57   swvl54          1     0     333300000001
       58   swvl55          1     0     333300000001
       59   swvl56          1     0     333300000001
       60   swvl57          1     0     333300000001
       61   swvl58          1     0     333300000001
       62   swvl59          1     0     333300000001
       68   fortinet4intern 1     0     01005e000001
       68   fortinet4intern 1     0     333300000001
               69   fortinet4guest  1     0     01005e000001
       69   fortinet4guest  1     0     333300000001
       74   port_ha         1     0     01005e000001
       74   port_ha         1     0     333300000001

ip mroute

       # diagnose ip mroute                                                 Multicast FIB.                                                                   [5.0]

ip status

       # diagnose ip status                                                 Multicast status.                                                                [5.0]
       PIM OFF      Assert: OFF     Socket in use: FALSE

ip vif

       # diagnose ip vif                                                    Multicast VIF device info.                                                       [5.0]

ip route

       # diagnose ip route add                                              Add static route.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ip route add [intf-name] [ipv4 address] [Subnet Mask] [Nexthop IP address] [Distance 1-255] [Priority 0-4294967295] [verify]
       # diagnose ip route delete                                           Delete static route.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ip route delete [intf-name] [ipv4 address] [Subnet Mask] [Nexthop IP address] [Distance 1-255] [Priority 0-4294967295] [verify]
       # diagnose ip route flush                                            Flush routing table.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ip route list                                             List routing table.                                                              [5.0]
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=253 type=1 proto=2 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=5(wan1)
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=67(ssl.root)
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=253 type=1 proto=2 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=69(fortinet4guest)
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=253 type=1 proto=2 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=68(fortinet4intern)
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=253 type=1 proto=2 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=7(internal1)
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=253 type=1 proto=2 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=4(dmz)
       tab=254 vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=0> pref= gwy= dev=5(wan1)
       Routing Table     Description of Entry
       tab               table number. This will be either 254 (unicast) or 255 (multicast).  
       vf                virtual domain of the firewall. This is the vdom index number. If vdoms are not enabled, this number will be 0. 
       type              type of routing connection. Valid values include: 
                         0 - unspecific 
                         1 - unicast 
                         2 - local 
                         3 - broadcast 
                         4 - anycast 
                         5 - multicast 
                         6 - blackhole 
                         7 - unreachable 
                         8 - prohibited 
       proto             type of installation. This indicates where the route came from. Valid values include: 
                          0 - unspecific 
                          2 - kernel 
                         11 - ZebOS routing module 
                         14 - FortiOS 
                         15 - HA 
                         16 - authentication based 
                         17 - HA 
       prio              priority of the route. Lower priorities are preferred.  
       ->  the IP address and subnet mask of the destination. 
       pref              preferred next hop along this route.  
       gwy               gateway - the IPv4 address of the gateway this route will use.  
       dev               outgoing interface index. This number is associated with the interface for this route, and if VDOMs 
                         are enabled the VDOM will be included here as well. If an interface alias is set for this interface 
                        it will also be displayed here.
       # diagnose ip route verify                                           Verify static route.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ip route verify [intf-name] [ipv4 address] [Subnet Mask] [Nexthop IP address] [Distance 1-255] [Priority 0-4294967295] 
       # diagnose ip router bfd                                             BFD debug.                                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd all [enable | disable]                      Enable all debugging.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd events [enable | disable]                   BFD events.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd fsm [arg]                                   BFD finite state machine.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd level critical                              Critical level.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd level error                                 Error level.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd level info                                  Information level.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd level none                                  None level.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd level warn                                  Warning level.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd nsm [arg]                                   BFD nsm debug.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd packet [arg]                                BFD packets.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bfd show                                        Show status of BFD debugging.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router bgp                                             BGP protocol.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp all [arg] [arg]                             All debugging.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp dampening [arg] [arg]                       BGP dampening.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp events [arg] [arg]                          BGP events.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp filters [arg] [arg]                         BGP filters.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp fsm [arg] [arg]                             BGP finite state machine.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp keepalives [arg] [arg]                      BGP keep alive messages.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp level critical                              Critical level.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp level error                                 Error level.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp level info                                  Information level.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp level none                                  None level.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp level warn                                  Warning level.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp nsm [arg] [arg]                             NSM message.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp show                                        Show status of BGP debugging.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router bgp updates [arg] [arg] [arg]                   BGP updates.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router command                                         Send command to routing daemon.                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router command show                                    Send show command to imi.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router command show-vrf                                Send show command to imi (in virtual router).                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router igmp                                            IGMP debug.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp all [arg] [arg]                            All debugging.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp decode [arg] [arg]                         Decode debugging.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp encode [arg] [arg]                         Encode debugging.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp events [arg] [arg]                         Events debugging.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp fsm [arg] [arg]                            FSM debugging.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp level critical                             Critical level.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp level error                                Error level.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp level info                                 Information level.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp level none                                 None level.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp level warn                                 Warning level.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp show                                       Show status of IGMP debugging.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router igmp tib [arg] [arg]                            TIB (tree-info-base) debugging.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router isis                                            IS-IS protocol.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis all [arg] [arg]                            All IS-IS debug.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis events [arg] [arg]                         IS-IS Events.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis ifsm [arg] [arg]                           IS-IS Interface State Machine.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis level critical                             Critical level.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis level error                                Error level.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis level info                                 Information level.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis level none                                 None level.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis level warn                                 Warning level.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis lsp [arg] [arg]                            IS-IS Link State PDU.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis nfsm [arg] [arg]                           IS-IS Neighbor State Machine.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis nsm [arg] [arg]                            IS-IS NSM information.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis pdu [arg] [arg]                            IS-IS Protocol Data Unit.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis show                                       Show IS-IS debugging.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router isis spf                                        IS-IS SPF Calculation.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router ospf                                            OSPF protocol.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf all [enable | disable] [arg]               All OSPF debug.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf events [arg] [arg]                         OSPF Events.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf ifsm [arg] [arg]                           OSPF Interface State Machine.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf level critical                             Critical level.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf level error                                Error level.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf level info                                 Information level.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf level none                                 None level.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf level warn                                 Warning level.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf lsa [arg] [arg]                            OSPF Link State Advertisement.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf nfsm [arg] [arg]                           OSPF Neighbor State Machine.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf nsm [arg] [arg]                            OSPF NSM information.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf packet [arg] [arg]                         OSPF Packets.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf route [arg] [arg]                          OSPF route information.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router ospf show                                       Show status of OSPF debugging.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm                                          PIM dense-mode.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm all [arg] [arg]                          All debugging.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm context [arg] [arg]                      VF-VRF context debugging.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm decode [arg] [arg]                       Message decode debugging.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm encode [arg] [arg]                       Message encode debugging.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm fsm [arg] [arg]                          FSM debugging.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm level critical                           Critical level.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm level error                              Error level.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm level info                               Information level.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm level none                               None level.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm level warn                               Warning level.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm mrt [arg] [arg]                          Multicast-route-table debugging.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm nexthop [arg] [arg]                      Nexthop debugging.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm nsm [arg] [arg]                          NSM interaction debugging.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm show                                     Show status of PIM dense-mode debugging.                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-dm vif [arg] [arg]                          Multicast VI debugging.                                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm                                          PIM sparse-mode.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm all [arg] [arg]                          All debugging.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm events [arg] [arg]                       Events debugging.                                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm level critical                           Critical level.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm level error                              Error level.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm level info                               Information level.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm level none                               None level.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm level warn                               Warning level.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm mfc [arg] [arg]                          MFC debugging.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm mib [arg] [arg]                          MIB debugging.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm nexthop [arg] [arg]                      Nexthop debugging.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm nsm [arg] [arg]                          NSM debugging.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm packet all [arg] [arg]                   All packet debugging.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm packet in [arg] [arg]                    Incoming packet debugging.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm packet out [arg] [arg]                   Outgoing packet debugging.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm show                                     Show status of PIM sparse-mode debugging.                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm state [arg] [arg]                        State debugging.                                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer all [arg] [arg]                    All timer debugging.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer assert all [arg] [arg]             All assert timers.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer assert at [arg] [arg]              Assert timer.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer bsr all [arg] [arg]                All BSR timers.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer bsr bst [arg] [arg]                Bootstrap timer.                                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer bsr crp [arg] [arg]                Candidate-RP timer.                                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer hello all [arg] [arg]              All hello-related timers.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer hello ht [arg] [arg]               Hello timer.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer hello nlt [arg] [arg]              Hello timer debugging.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer hello tht [arg] [arg]              Triggered hello timer.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer joinprune all [arg] [arg]          All join prune timers.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer joinprune et [arg] [arg]           Expiry timer.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer joinprune jt [arg] [arg]           Join prune timer.                                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer joinprune kat [arg] [arg]          Keep alive timer.                                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer joinprune ot [arg] [arg]           Override timer.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer joinprune ppt [arg] [arg]          Prune pending timer.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer register all [arg] [arg]           All register timers.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router pim-sm timer register rst [arg] [arg]           Register stop timer.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip                                             RIP protocol.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ip router rip all [arg]                                   Enable all debugging.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip events [arg]                                RIP events.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip level critical                              Critical level.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip level error                                 Error level.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip level info                                  Information level.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip level none                                  None level.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip level warn                                  Warning level.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip packet-receive [arg]                        RIP receive events.                                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip packet-send [arg]                           RIP send events.                                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose ip router rip show                                        Show status of RIP debugging.                                                    [5.0] 

ip rtcache

       # diagnose ip rtcache                                                Routing cache.                                                                   [5.0][5.2]

ip tcp

       # diagnose ip tcp [flush | list]                                     TCP sockets.                                                                     [5.0][5.2]

ip udp

       # diagnose ip udp [flush | list]                                     UDP sockets.                                                                     [5.0][5.2]


ips anomaly

       # diagnose ips anomaly clear                                         Clear anomaly meters.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly config                                        List DoS-sensor.                                                                 [5.0]
       DoS sensors in kernel vd 0:
       DoS id 1 proxy 0
         0 tcp_syn_flood status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 7 threshold 2000
         1 tcp_port_scan status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 1000
         2 tcp_src_session status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
         3 tcp_dst_session status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
         4 udp_flood status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 7 threshold 2000
         5 udp_scan status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 2000
         6 udp_src_session status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
         7 udp_dst_session status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 7 threshold 5000
         8 icmp_flood status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 7 threshold 250
         9 icmp_sweep status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 100
         10 icmp_src_session status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 300
         11 icmp_dst_session status 1 log 1 nac 0 action 0 threshold 1000
         12 ip_src_session status 0 log 0 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
         13 ip_dst_session status 0 log 0 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
         14 sctp_flood status 0 log 0 nac 0 action 0 threshold 2000
         15 sctp_scan status 0 log 0 nac 0 action 0 threshold 1000
         16 sctp_src_session status 0 log 0 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
         17 sctp_dst_session status 0 log 0 nac 0 action 0 threshold 5000
       total # DoS sensors: 1.
       # diagnose ips anomaly filter clear                                  Clear anomaly filter.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly filter freq [Frequency from] [Frequency to]   Frequency                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly filter id [0-11]                              Anomaly ID.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly filter id [0-11]                              IP and subnet mask.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly filter pps [PPS from]                         pps                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly list                                          List anomaly meters.                                                             [5.0]
       list nids meter:
       id=udp_dst_session    ip= dos_id=1 exp=5956 pps=0 freq=0
       id=udp_flood          ip= dos_id=1 exp=954 pps=0 freq=10
       id=udp_src_session    ip= dos_id=1 exp=5956 pps=0 freq=0
       id=udp_scan           ip= dos_id=1 exp=954 pps=0 freq=9
       id=udp_flood          ip= dos_id=1 exp=917 pps=1 freq=1
       id=udp_dst_session    ip= dos_id=1 exp=5652 pps=0 freq=0
       id=udp_flood          ip= dos_id=1 exp=650 pps=2 freq=2
       id=udp_dst_session    ip= dos_id=1 exp=5819 pps=0 freq=0
       id=udp_flood          ip= dos_id=1 exp=817 pps=1 freq=1
       total # of nids meters: 9.
       # diagnose ips anomaly status                                        List anomaly status.                                                             [5.0]
       meter budget: 100000
       meter used: 8/8
       meter depth: 2
       sensor active: 1
       sensor pending: 0

ips anomaly6

       # diagnose ips anomaly6 clear                                        Clear anomaly meters.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 config                                       List DoS-sensor.                                                                 [5.0]
       DoS sensors in kernel vd 0:
       total # DoS sensors: 0.
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 filter clear                                 Clear anomaly filter.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 filter freq [Frequency from]                 Frequency                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 filter id [0-11]                             Anomaly ID.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 filter ip [IP address and Subnet Mask]       IP and subnet mask.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 filter pps [PPS from]                        pps                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 list                                         List anomaly meters.                                                             [5.0]
       list nids meter:
       total # of nids meters: 0.
       # diagnose ips anomaly6 status                                       List anomaly status.                                                             [5.0]
       meter budget: 100000
       meter used: 0/0
       meter depth: 0
       sensor active: 0
       sensor pending: 0

ips config

       # diagnose ips config disable log-verbose                            log-verbose                                                                      [5.0]  
       # diagnose ips config enable log-verbose                             log-verbose                                                                      [5.0]

ips debug

       # diagnose ips debug disable all                                     all                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable av                                      av                                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable content                                 content                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable content_detail                          content_detail                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable detect                                  detect                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable dissector                               dissector                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable dns                                     dns                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable error                                   error                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable http                                    http                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable im                                      im                                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable init                                    init                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable ipsa                                    ipsa                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable log                                     log                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable mail                                    mail                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable mime                                    mime                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable p2p                                     p2p                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable packet                                  packet                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable packet_detail                           packet_detail                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable packet_dump                             packet_dump                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable parse                                   parse                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable proxy                                   proxy                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable rpc                                     rpc                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable session                                 session                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable ssh                                     ssh                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable ssl                                     ssl                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable state                                   state                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable tcp                                     tcp                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable timeout                                 timeout                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable urlfilter                               urlfilter                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable voip                                    voip                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug disable warn                                    warn                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable all                                      all                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable av                                       av                                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable content                                  content                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable content_detail                           content_detail                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable detect                                   detect                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable dissector                                dissector                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable dns                                      dns                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable error                                    error                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable http                                     http                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable im                                       im                                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable init                                     init                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable ipsa                                     ipsa                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable log                                      log                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable mail                                     mail                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable mime                                     mime                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable p2p                                      p2p                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable packet                                   packet                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable packet_detail                            packet_detail                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable packet_dump                              packet_dump                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable parse                                    parse                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable proxy                                    proxy                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable rpc                                      rpc                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable session                                  session                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable ssh                                      ssh                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable ssl                                      ssl                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable state                                    state                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable tcp                                      tcp                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable timeout                                  timeout                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable urlfilter                                urlfilter                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable voip                                     voip                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips debug enable warn                                     warn                                                                             [5.0]

ips dissector

       # diagnose ips dissector dump                                        dump                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips dissector status                                      status                                                                           [5.0]

ips filter

       # diagnose ips filter asm [assembled packets]                        asm                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter clear                                          clear                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter ip [IPv4 address]                              ip                                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter length [session length]                        length                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter port [port]                                    port                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter protocol [protocol number]                     protocol                                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter session [session id]                           session                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips filter status                                         status                                                                           [5.0]
       2015-11-17 00:47:48 DEBUG FILTER:
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   ip
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   port        0
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   protocol    0
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   session id  0
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   l7          0
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   asm         0
       2015-11-17 00:47:48   length      0

ips global

       # diagnose ips global rule reload                                    Reload rule file.                                                                [5.0]

ips memory

       # diagnose ips memory compact                                        compact                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips memory list                                           list                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips memory pool                                           pool                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips memory status                                         status                                                                           [5.0] 

ips packet

       # diagnose ips packet clear                                          clear                                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose ips packet status                                         status                                                                           [5.0]

ips raw

       # diagnose ips raw clear                                             Clear status.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ips raw status                                            Show status.                                                                     [5.0]
       raw total packets: 428
       raw open:          0
       raw dropped:       0
       l2 total packets: 0
       l2 open:          0
       l2 dropped:       0

ips session

       # diagnose ips session clear                                         clear                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips session content                                       content                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose ips session list                                          list                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips session performance                                   performance                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ips session status                                        status                                                                           [5.0]

ips share

       # diagnose ips share clear [pool]                                    clear                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips share list [pool]                                     list                                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ips share pool                                            pool                                                                             [5.0]

ips signature

       # diagnose ips signature av                                          av                                                                               [5.0]
       2015-11-17 00:52:41 FLOW-AV SIGNATURE STATISTICS:
       2015-11-17 00:52:41 version: 0.00000
       2015-11-17 00:52:41 virus: 0
       2015-11-17 00:52:41 grayware: 0
       2015-11-17 00:52:41 valid: 0, purge: 0
       # diagnose ips signature cycle                                       cycle                                                                            [5.0]
       2015-11-17 00:52:53 SIGNATURE PERFORMANCE: 34 packets
       2015-11-17 00:52:53        Total       Hits          Cycles         Per-Hit       Hits          Cycles
       2015-11-17 00:52:53 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2015-11-17 00:52:53 
       # diagnose ips signature hit [top N]                                 hit                                                                              [5.0]
       2015-11-17 00:52:25 SIGNATURE PERFORMANCE: 34 packets
       2015-11-17 00:52:25      Pattern       Hits          Cycles         Non-Pat       Hits          Cycles
       2015-11-17 00:52:25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2015-11-17 00:52:25 
       # diagnose ips signature status [severity mask]                      status                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose ips signature status
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 SIGNATURE STATISTICS: 23
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ---------------- 0 ----------------
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 av:2015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 webf: http:0x0 https:0x0 rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 dlp: rules:02015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 spam: rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ips: enabled:0 pattern:0, engine:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ---------------- 1 ----------------
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 av:2015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 webf: http:0x0 https:0x0 rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 dlp: rules:02015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 spam: rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ips: enabled:6059 pattern:6856, engine:25
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ---------------- 2 ----------------
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 av:2015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 webf: http:0x0 https:0x0 rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 dlp: rules:02015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 spam: rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ips: enabled:6059 pattern:6856, engine:25
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ---------------- 3 ----------------
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 av:2015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 webf: http:0x0 https:0x0 rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 dlp: rules:02015-11-17 00:53:19 
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 spam: rules:0
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ips: enabled:6059 pattern:6856, engine:25
       2015-11-17 00:53:19 ---------------- 4 ----------------

ips ssl

       # diagnose ips ssl bypass disable                                    disable bypasse                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl bypass enable                                     enable bypass                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl clear                                             clear                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl debug dbg                                         debug dbg                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl debug err                                         debug error                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl debug noise                                       debug noise                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ips ssl debug none                                        debug none                                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose ips ssl debug warn                                        debug warn                                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl noscan disable                                    disable noscan                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose ips ssl noscan enable                                     enable noscan                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose ips ssl status                                            status                                                                           [5.0]
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 -------------------- SSL statistics ---------------------
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 SSL transactions: C/T/E/S
         SSL v3:  0/0/0/0
         TLS 1.0: 0/0/0/0
         TLS 1.1: 0/0/0/0
         TLS 1.2: 0/0/0/0
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 ---------------------------------------------------------
       Cipher suites:
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 ---------------------------------------------------------
       Negotiated protocols:
         HTTP/1:  0
         HTTP/2:  0
         SPDY/2:  0
         SPDY/3:  0
         SPDY/4:  0
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 ---------------------------------------------------------
         Received: 0
         Sent:     0
         Error:    0
         Err rate: 0.00%
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 ---------------------------------------------------------
       Key Exchange:
         Certificate cache entries:   0
         Certificate cache size:      0
         Certificate cache saving:    0
         Certificate cache hits:      0
         Certificate cache miss:      0
         Certificate cache reset:     0
         Different certificate size:  0
         Different DH client key:     0
         Different DH server key:     0
         Different DH signature:      0
         Different ECDH client key:   0
         Different ECDH server key:   0
         Different ECDH signature:    0
         Encrypt-then-MAC:            0
         Truncated HMAC:              0
         Extended Master Secret:      0
         OCSP stapling:               0
         Decryption only:             0
         Stitched ciphers:            0
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 ---------------------------------------------------------
       Error counters:
         Unknown SSL records:         0
         Unsupported SSL versions:    0
         Unsupported cipher suites:   0
         Malformed SSL records:       0
         Decryption failure:          0
         Cert replacement failure:    0
         Unknown CA alerts:           0
         Client certificates:         0
         Exempted:                    0
       2015-11-17 00:57:06 ---------------------------------------------------------

ips urlfilter

       # diagnose ips urlfilter clear                                       clear                                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ips urlfilter status                                      status                                                                           [5.0]
       2015-11-17 00:58:43 
       2015-11-17 00:58:43     request   response pending    error timeout   blocked   allowed
       2015-11-17 00:58:43           0          0       0        0       0         0         0


ipv6 address

       # diagnose ipv6 address add [intf-name] [IPv6 prefix]                Add IPv6 address.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose ipv6 address anycast [arg] [arg]                          Add IPv6 anycast address.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 address delete [intf-name] [IPv6 prefix]             Delete IPv6 address.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose ipv6 address flush                                        Flush IPv6 addresses.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose ipv6 address list                                         List IPv6 addresses.                                                             [5.0]
       dev=75 devname=vsys_fgfm flag=P scope=254 prefix=128 addr=::1 
       dev=73 devname=vsys_ha flag=P scope=254 prefix=128 addr=::1 
       dev=66 devname=root flag=P scope=254 prefix=128 addr=::1 
       # diagnose ipv6 address multicast [intf-name] [IPv6 prefix]          Add IPv6 multicast address.                                                      [5.0]

ipv6 devconf

       # diagnose ipv6 devconf                                              IPv6 device config.                                                              [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ipv6 devconf accept-dad [0,1, or 2]                       IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection.                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 devconf disable_ipv6 [0 or 1]                        Disable/enable IPv6 operation.                                                   [5.0] 
       0: disable DAD; 
       1: enable DAD; 
       2: enable DAD, and disable IPv6 operation if MAC-based duplicate link-local address has been found 
       0: enabling IPv6 operation; 
       1: disabling. 

ipv6 ipv6-tunnel

       # diagnose ipv6 ipv6-tunnel                                                                                tunnels                                   [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ipv6 ipv6-tunnel add [Tunnel name] [intf-name] [Source IP address] [Destination IP address]     Add tunnel.                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 ipv6-tunnel delete [Tunnel name]                                                           Delete tunnel.                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 ipv6-tunnel list                                                                           Show tunnels.                             [5.0] 

ipv6 multicast

       # diagnose ipv6 multicast                                           Multicast information.                                                           [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ipv6 multicast mroute                                    Multicast FIB.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 multicast vif                                       Multicast VIF device info.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 multicast status                                    Multicast status.                                                                [5.0]  
       PIM6 OFF      Assert: OFF     Socket in use: FALSE

ipv6 neighbor-cache

       # diagnose ipv6 neighbor-cache                                                 IPv6 neighbor-cache table.                                            [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ipv6 neighbor-cache add [intf-name] [IPv6 address] [MAC address]    Add an IPv6 neighbor cache entry.                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 neighbor-cache delete [intf-name] [IPv6 address]               Delete an IPv6 neighbor cache entry.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 neighbor-cache flush [intf-name]                               Flush IPv6 neighbor cache table.                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 neighbor-cache list                                            Show IPv6 neighbor cache table.                                       [5.0] 
       ifindex=66 ifname=root :: 00:00:00:00:00:00 state=00000040 use=345690114 confirm=345696114 update=345690114 ref=1

ipv6 route

       # diagnose ipv6 route [flush | list]                                 IPv6 routing table.                                                             [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ipv6 route list
       vf=0 type=02 protocol=0(unspec) flag=80200001 oif=66(root) dst:::1/128 gwy::: prio=100 pmtu=16436
       vf=0 type=07 protocol=3(boot) flag=00200200 oif=66(root) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=16436
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=67(ssl.root) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=70(ipsec-fc) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=71(ipsec-ios) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=72(ipsec-cisco) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=4(dmz) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=69(fortinet4guest) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=68(fortinet4intern) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=7(internal1) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=8(internal2) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=9(internal3) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=10(internal4) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=11(internal5) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=12(internal6) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=13(internal7) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=63(modem) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=5(wan1) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1492
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=6(wan2) dst:fe80::/10 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=07 protocol=3(boot) flag=00200200 oif=66(root) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=16436
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=67(ssl.root) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=70(ipsec-fc) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=71(ipsec-ios) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=72(ipsec-cisco) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=4(dmz) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=69(fortinet4guest) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=68(fortinet4intern) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=7(internal1) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=8(internal2) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=9(internal3) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=10(internal4) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=11(internal5) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=12(internal6) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=13(internal7) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=63(modem) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=5(wan1) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1492
       vf=0 type=01 protocol=2(kernel) flag=00040001 oif=6(wan2) dst:ff00::/8 prio=100 pmtu=1500
       vf=0 type=07 protocol=0(unspec) flag=00200200 oif=66(root) prio=ffffffff pmtu=0

ipv6 router

       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf                                          OSPFv3 protocol.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf all [arg] [arg]                          All OSPFv3 debug.                                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf events [arg] [arg]                       OSPFv3 Events.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf ifsm [arg] [arg]                         OSPFv3 Interface State Machine.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf level critical                           Critical level.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf level error                              Error level.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf level info                               Information level.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf level none                               None level.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf level warn                               Warning level.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf lsa [arg] [arg]                          OSPFv3 Link State Advertisement.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf nfsm [arg] [arg]                         OSPFv3 Neighbor State Machine.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf nsm [arg] [arg]                          OSPFv3 NSM information.                                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf packet [arg] [arg]                       OSPFv3 Packets.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf route [arg] [arg]                        OSPFv3 route information.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router ospf show                                     Show status of OSPFv3 debugging.                                                 [5.0] 
       OSPFv3 debugging status:
         OSPFv3 debugging level is CRITICAL
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip                                           RIPng protocol.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip all [enable | disable]                    Enable all debugging.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip events [arg]                              RIPng events.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip level critical                            Critical level.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip level error                               Error level.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip level info                                Information level.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip level none                                None level.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip level warn                                Warning level.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip packet-receive [arg]                      RIPng receive events.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip packet-send [arg]                         RIPng send events.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 router rip show                                      Show status of RIPng debugging.                                                  [5.0] 
       RIPng debugging status:
         RIPng debugging level is INFO

ipv6 sit-tunnel

       # diagnose ipv6 sit-tunnel                                                                               tunnels                                      [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose ipv6 sit-tunnel add [Tunnel name] [intf-name] [Source IP address] [Destination IP address]    Add tunnel.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 sit-tunnel delete [Tunnel name]                                                          Delete tunnel.                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose ipv6 sit-tunnel list                                                                          Show tunnels.                                [5.0] 
       total tunnel = 0:


Link Layer Transmission Protocol (LLDP) Transmitter diagnostics.

lldptx log

       # diagnose lldptx log                                                Debug log.                                                                       [5.2]

lldptx restart

       # diagnose lldptx restart                                            Restart LLDP transmitter.                                                        [5.2]

lldptx scheduler-times

       # diagnose lldptx scheduler-times                                    Scheduler times.                                                                 [5.2]

lldptx stats

       # diagnose lldptx stats                                              Source visibility statistics.                                                    [5.2]


log alertconsole

       # diagnose log alertconsole                                         alertconsole                                                                      [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose log alertconsole clear                                   Clear alert messages.                                                             [5.0] 
       Cleared all alert console messages.
       # diagnose log alertconsole fgd-retrieve                            Retrieve FortiGuard alerts.                                                       [5.0] 
       retrieve FortiGuard alert console messages successful
       # diagnose log alertconsole list                                    List current alert messages.                                                      [5.0] 
       There are 0 alert console messages:
       # diagnose log alertconsole test                                    Generate alert messages (showed after generating by list).                        [5.0] 
       There are 24 alert console messages:
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 VDOM Test policy X
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiClient license maximum has been reached. Attempts failed: 10
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiGuard New Attack DB FortiGuard new attack DB release
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiGuard New AntiVirus DB FortiGuard new antivirus DB release
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiGuard Latest Attack FortiGuard latest attack
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiGuard Latest Virus FortiGuard latest virus
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiGuard Latest Threat FortiGuard latest threat
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiGuard Advisory FortiGuard Advisory
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Administrator  login failed
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 The bypass port pairs have entered bypass mode
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiCloud daily quota has been reached
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 FortiCloud disk quota is 95% used
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 New firmware is available from FortiGuard
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Log disk is unavailable
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Log disk failure is imminent
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Lost the connection to FortiAnalyzer (FLGxxx1234567890)
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Found a new FortiAnalyzer (FLGxxx1234567890)
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Firmware downgraded by test
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 System is rebooted and operating in USB mode with configurations from USB (read-only)
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Fortigate has reached system connection limit for 30 seconds
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Fortigate has reached connection limit for 30 seconds
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 Firmware upgraded by test
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 System shutdown test
       2015-11-17 16:19:07 System restart

log alertmail

       # diagnose log alertmail                                            alertmail                                                                         [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose log alertmail authcode [recipient's email address]       Send a test authentication code.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose log alertmail bugtest                                    Send a test bug report.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose log alertmail test [Log level] [Number of messages]      Send a test alert mail.                                                           [5.0] 

log kernel-stats

       # diagnose log kernel-stats                                         Query logging statistics.                                                         [5.0][5.2]
       fgtlog: 1
       fgtlog 0: total-log=513617, failed-log=0

log test

       # diagnose log test                                                 Test miglog.                                                                      [5.0][5.2]
       generating a system event message with level - warning
       generating an infected virus message with level - warning
       generating a blocked virus message with level - warning
       generating a URL block message with level - warning
       generating a DLP message with level - warning
       generating an IPS log message
       generating an anomaly log message
       generating an application control IM message with level - information
       generating an IPv6 application control IM message with level - information
       generating deep application control logs with level - information
       generating an antispam message with level - notification
       generating an allowed traffic message with level - notice
       generating a multicast traffic message with level - notice
       generating a ipv6 traffic message with level - notice
       generating a wanopt traffic log message with level - notification
       generating a HA event message with level - warning
       generating netscan log messages with level - notice
       generating a VOIP event message with level - information
       generating a DNS event message with level - information
       generating authentication event messages
       generating a Forticlient message with level - information
       generating a URL block message with level - warning

log wireless-controller

       # diagnose log wireless-controller                                  Test wireless event log.                                                          [5.0][5.2]
       generating a wireless system restarted event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless system hostapd up event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless system hostapd down event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status config rogue event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status config accepted event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status config suppressed event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status config unclassified event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap detected event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap changed event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap off air event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap on air event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap off wire event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status fake ap detected event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status fake ap on air event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap suppressed event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless ap status rogue ap unsuppressed event message with level - notice
       generating 2 wireless ap status rogue ap on wire event message with level - warning
       generating a wireless wtp join event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp leave event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp fail event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp update event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp reset event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp kick event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp add failure event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp config error event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp sn mismatch event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp add event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp add xss event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp cmdb add event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp cmdb delete event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio darrp start event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio darrp channel event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio darrp stop event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio oper channel event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio country config success event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio oper country event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio radar detected event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio NOL removed event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio config txpower event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio oper txpower event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless wtp radio country config failure event message with level - error
       generating a wireless sta association event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta authentication event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta disassociation event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta deauthentication event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta idle event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta denial event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta kick event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta ip detected event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta leave wtp event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless sta disconnected by wtp event message with level - notice
       generating 2 wireless client load balance deny event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless client load balance retry event message with level - notice
       generating a wireless station presence detection event message with level - notice
       generating 10 wireless wids event message with level - notice


netlink aggregate

       # diagnose netlink aggregate                                        802.3ad link aggregation                                                          [5.2]

netlink backlog

       # diagnose netlink backlog get                                      Show backlog.                                                                     [5.0]
       Current backlog is 1000
       # diagnose netlink backlog set backlog                              backlog value                                                                     [5.0] 

netlink brctl

       # diagnose netlink brctl domain [name] [id]                         domain (Where  <name>  is the name of the forwarding domain to display.)          [5.0]
       # diagnose netlink brctl list [bridge_name]                         list                                                                              [5.0]
       list bridge information
       Total 0 bridges
       # diagnose netlink brctl name                                       name                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose netlink brctl name  [type "host" or "port"]              name                                                                              [5.0]  
       # diagnose netlink brctl name  [host]                               list existing bridge MAC table                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose netlink brctl name  [port]                               list the existing bridge port list                                                [5.0] 

netlink device

       # diagnose netlink device list                                      List devices.                                                                     [5.0]
         Interface|       bytes    packets errs drop fifo other compressed mcast colls
             lo.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
         dummy0.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
           eth0.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
            dmz.Rx:           587672773              2341158                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:           335251096              2287514                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
           wan1.Rx:          1261430295             14461232                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:          2168761410             22117673                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
           wan2.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal1.Rx:            20194575                58535                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:            78959460              1315991                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal2.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal3.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal4.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal5.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal6.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0
       internal7.Rx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A
               .Tx:                   0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0   N/A                    0

netlink dstmac

       # diagnose netlink dstmac flush                                     Destination MAC substitution flush                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose netlink dstmac list [name - Interface name]              Destination MAC substitution list                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose netlink dstmac list
       dev=lo mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=dummy0 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=eth0 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=dmz mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 src-vis-os src-vis-host src-vis-user rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=wan1 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 policy rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=wan2 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal1 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 src-vis-os src-vis-host src-vis-user rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal2 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal3 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal4 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal5 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal6 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0
       dev=internal7 mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 rx_tcp_mss=0 tx_tcp_mss=0 overspill-threshold=0 bytes=0 over_bps=0 sampler_rate=0

netlink interface

       # diagnose netlink interface clear [Interface name]                 Clear interface counters.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose netlink interface list [Interface name]                  List interfaces.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose netlink interface list
       if=lo family=00 type=772 index=1 mtu=16436 link=0 master=0
       ref=4 state=present fw_flags=0 flags=loopback 
       if=dummy0 family=00 type=1 index=2 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=1 state=present fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast noarp 
       if=eth0 family=00 type=1 index=3 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=3 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast multicast 
       if=dmz family=00 type=1 index=4 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=17 state=start present fw_flags=3800 flags=up broadcast run allmulti multicast 
       if=wan1 family=00 type=1 index=5 mtu=1492 link=0 master=0
       ref=14 state=start present fw_flags=10 flags=up broadcast run allmulti multicast 
       if=wan2 family=00 type=1 index=6 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 
       if=internal1 family=00 type=1 index=7 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=14 state=start present fw_flags=3800 flags=up broadcast run allmulti multicast 
       if=internal2 family=00 type=1 index=8 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 
       if=internal3 family=00 type=1 index=9 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 
       if=internal4 family=00 type=1 index=10 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 
       if=internal5 family=00 type=1 index=11 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 
       if=internal6 family=00 type=1 index=12 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 
       if=internal7 family=00 type=1 index=13 mtu=1500 link=0 master=0
       ref=7 state=present tx_sched fw_flags=0 flags=broadcast allmulti multicast 

netlink qlen

       # diagnose netlink qlen get [Interface name]                        Get queue length.                                                                 [5.0]
       TX queue length for interface wan1 is 100
       # diagnose netlink qlen set [Interface name]                        Queue length.                                                                     [5.0]

netlink redundant

       # diagnose netlink redundant                                        redundant interfaces                                                              [5.2]

netlink switch

       # diagnose netlink switch list                                      list switch ports                                                                 [5.0]


npl npl_debug

       # diagnose npl npl_debug [param1] [param2] [param3]                 npl_diag.                                                                         [5.2]


npu nplite

       # diagnose npu nplite [enable | disable]                            Network Processor SoC.                                                            [5.2]


Radius daemon diagnostic commands.

radiusd test

       # diagnose radiusd test [Test level]                                Send test command to RADIUS daemon.                                               [5.0][5.2]


remote-content-archive msgstats

       # diagnose remote-content-archive msgstats                          Remote content archive statistics.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose remote-content-archive msgstats flush                    Flush content archive statistics.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose remote-content-archive msgstats show                     Show content archive statistics.                                                  [5.0] 


NOTE Not Available on Model(s) "FortiGate 60C"

report [5.2]


RSSO diagnostic commands.

rsso query

       # diagnose rsso query carrier-endpoint                                                       Query by End Point.                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose rsso query carrier-endpoint [End Point to query] [IP address of TFTP server]      Query by End Point.                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose rsso query ip  [End Point to query] [IP address of TFTP server]                   Query by IP address.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose rsso query rsso-key [RSSO key to query] [IP address of TFTP server]               Query by RSSO key.                                       [5.0]


settings info

       # diagnose settings info                                          Show all         # diagnose settings.                                               [5.0][5.2]
       debug output:           disable
       console timestamp:      enable
       console no user log message:    disable
       CLI debug level:        3
       ipsmonitor test level:  20
       ipsengine test level:   99

settings reset

       # diagnose settings reset                                         Reset all         # diagnose settings.                                              [5.0][5.2]


sniffer packet

The sniffer diagnose command can be used for debugging purposes. The FortiGate can sniff traffic on a specific Interface or on all Interfaces. There are 3 different Levels of Information, a.k.a. Verbose Levels 1 to 3, where verbose 1 shows less information and verbose 3 shows the most information. Verbose 4, 5 and 6 would additionally provide the interface details.

       NOTE Enabling the sniffer will consume additional CPU resources. This can be as high as an additional 25% of CPU usage on 
            low-end models. Short Ethernet frames sent by the FortiGate may appear to be under the minimum length of 64 bytes. 
            The Ethernet source and/or destination MAC addresses may be incorrect when using the "any" interface. They may be 
            displayed as all zeros (00:00:00:00:00:00) or 00:00:00:00:00:01. 

How to use the "sniffer packet" command as various example follow the below link:



snmp ip

       # diagnose snmp ip frags                                           Fragmentation and reassembly info.                                                 [5.0]
       ReasmTimeout = 0
       ReasmReqds   = 0
       ReasmOKs     = 0
       ReasmFails   = 0
       FragOKs      = 0
       FragFails    = 0
       FragCreates  = 0

snmp trap

       # diagnose snmp trap send                                          Generate a trap event                                                              [5.0]
       Generating test trap...
       Test trap successfully sent to snmp daemon.


spamfilter bword

       # diagnose spamfilter bword                                                                               Spam banned word match filter.              [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose spamfilter bword matchfilter [Filter string from end of spam filter banned word log line]      Spam banned word match filter.              [5.0] 

spamfilter fortishield

       # diagnose spamfilter fortishield                                                        fortishield                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose spamfilter fortishield servers [Frequency to refresh server list (sec)]       FortiGuard - AntiSpam server status.                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose spamfilter fortishield statistics flush                                       Flush cache and daemon statistics.                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose spamfilter fortishield statistics list                                        Display server status, cache and daemon statistics.           [5.0] 
       FortiGuard-AntiSpam Statistics:
       DNS failures                     :          0
       DNS lookups                      :          0
       Data send failures               :          0
       Data read failures               :          0
       Incorrect CRC                    :          0
       Proxy request failures           :          0
       Total Requests                   :          0
       Requests to rating servers       :          0
       Server errored responses         :          0
       Relayed requests                 :          0
       Timeout Allowed                  :          0
       Shutdown-remain allowed          :          0
       Server-error allowed             :          0
       Bad-licence allowed              :          0
       Query-full allowed               :          0
       NO-init allowed                  :          0
       No-server allowed                :          0
       No-resource allowed              :          0
       Bad-query allowed                :          0
       Cache mem allowed                :   38567608
       Cache mem used                   :          0
       Number of cache entries          :          0
       Cache queries                    :          0
       Cache hits                       :          0
       IP White                         :          0
       IP Allowed                       :          0
       IP Spammed                       :          0
       URL Allowed                      :          0
       URL Spammed                      :          0
       Hash Allowed                     :          0
       Hash Spammed                     :          0
       Emails Count                     :          0
       Total Latency                    :          0
       Last Latency                     :          0
       Max Latency                      :          0
       Min Latency                      :          0
       -- latency counters --
       [ 0] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       [12] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       -- diagnostic counters --
       [ 0] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       [12] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       [24] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       [36] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       [48] :     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       [60] :     0     0     0     0


src-vis log

       # diagnose src-vis log terminal clear                              Clear debug log terminals.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose src-vis log terminal reset                              Reset debug log terminals.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose src-vis log terminal stats                              Show debug log terminal statistics.                                                [5.0]

src-vis restart

       # diagnose src-vis restart                                         Restart src-vis daemon.                                                            [5.0][5.2]

src-vis restore

       # diagnose src-vis restore                                         Restore hosts list from flash.                                                     [5.0][5.2]

src-vis ring

       # diagnose src-vis ring [Start point in the ring]                  Display contents of ring buffer.                                                   [5.0][5.2]

src-vis save

       # diagnose src-vis save                                            Save hosts list to flash.                                                          [5.0][5.2]

src-vis scheduler

       # diagnose src-vis scheduler-times display                         Display scheduler times.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose src-vis scheduler-times start                           Start measuring scheduler times.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose src-vis scheduler-times stop                            Stop measuring scheduler times.                                                    [5.0]

src-vis stats

       # diagnose src-vis stats count                                     Object counts.                                                                     [5.0]

src-vis stats

       # diagnose src-vis stats list                                      List all statistics.                                                               [5.0]


Usage statistics.

stats app-bandwidth

       # diagnose stats app-bandwidth [Number of entries to print out]   Applications by bandwidth of last minute.                                           [5.0][5.2]

stats app-stat-clear

       # diagnose stats app-stat-clear                                   Clear application statistics.                                                       [5.0][5.2]

stats app-usage-ip

       # diagnose stats app-usage-ip                                     Per IP usage of application.                                                        [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose stats app-usage-ip [ID or name of application to print by IP address>] [Number of entries to print out] [Beginning of IP range] [End of IP range]

stats per-ip-bw

       # diagnose stats per-ip-bw                                        Top bandwidth by IP address.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose stats per-ip-bw [Number of entries to print out] [Beginning of IP range] [End of IP range]


NOTE Der Switch Controller ist nicht auf allen Modelen verfügbar:

    FortiGate-100D, FortiGate-140D, FortiGate-200D, FortiGate-240D, FortiGate-600C, FortiGate-800C, and FortiGate-1000C

switch-controller dump

       # diagnose switch-controller dump                                 dump daemon data                                                                    [5.2]
       # diagnose switch-controller dump vlan_config                     configured switch-controller vlan info                                              [5.2]
       # diagnose switch-controller dump switch_config                   configured managed-switch info                                                      [5.2]
       # diagnose switch-controller dump mac_hosts                       cached kernel mac hosts                                                             [5.2]
       # diagnose switch-controller dump device_access_list              cached device access list                                                           [5.2]
       # diagnose switch-controller dump client                          running clients                                                                     [5.2]

switch-controller kick

       # diagnose switch-controller kick                                 kick client                                                                         [5.2]
       # diagnose switch-controller kick [vdom] [device-id] [vlanid] [portid | 0 for all] [client mac]


sys checkused

       # diagnose sys checkused [path.object.mkey] [tablename]           Check who use the entry.                                                            [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys checkused wan1
       entry used by table system.interface:name 'ipsec-cisco'
       entry used by table system.interface:name 'ipsec-fc'
       entry used by table system.interface:name 'ipsec-ios'
       entry used by child table dashboard:id '9' of table system.admin:name 'admin'
       entry used by child table monitor-interface:interface-name 'wan1' of table system.ddns:ddnsid '1'
       entry used by child table source-interface:name 'wan1' of complex
       entry used by child table source-interface:name 'wan1' of table authentication-rule:id '1' of entry used by child table source-interface:name 'wan1' of table authentication-rule:id '2' of complex
       entry used by table vpn.ipsec.phase1:name 'ipsec-l2tp'
       entry used by table vpn.ipsec.phase1-interface:name 'ipsec-cisco'
       entry used by table vpn.ipsec.phase1-interface:name 'ipsec-fc'
       entry used by table vpn.ipsec.phase1-interface:name 'ipsec-ios'
       entry used by table 'nat-ip-local-'
       entry used by table 'nat-ip-local-'
       entry used by table 'nat-ip-local-'
       entry used by table 'nat-ip-local-'
       entry used by table 'nat-ip-local-'
       entry used by table 'nat-ip-local-'
       entry used by child table srcintf:name 'wan1' of table firewall.policy:policyid '6'
       entry used by child table srcintf:name 'wan1' of table firewall.policy:policyid '7'

sys csum

       # diagnose sys csum [File name]                                   System checksum.                                                                    [5.0][5.2]

sys cpuset

       # diagnose sys cpuset                                             cpuset                                                                              [5.2]

sys dashboard

       # diagnose sys dashboard                                                                                Dashboard for admin user.                     [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys dashboard reset                                                                          Reset dashboard config for current admin.     [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats app-usage clear [User name]                                              Clear stats.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats app-usage show [User name] [Application ID] [VDOM Name (optional)]       Show stats.                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats dlp-archive clear [User name]                                            Clear stats.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats dlp-archive show [User name]                                             Show stats.                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats log [arg]                                                                Log statistics.                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats log-clear                                                                Log statistics.                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats pol-usage clear [arg] [arg] [arg]                                        Top policy usage.                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats pol6-usage clear [arg] [arg] [arg]                                       Top policy6 usage.                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats session-top [User name]                                                  Top sessions.                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys dashboard stats traffic-history [Interface name]                                         Traffic history.                              [5.0] 

sys dayst-info

       # diagnose sys dayst-info [Num] [year]                            Daylight saving time information.                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys dayst-info
       The current timezone '(GMT+1:00)Amsterdam,Berlin,Bern,Rome,Stoc daylight saving time starts at Sun Mar 29 02:00:00 2015, ends at Sun Oct 25 02:00:00 2015
       0   (GMT-12:00)Eniwetok,Kwajalein  
       1   (GMT-11:00)Midway Island, Samoa  
       2   (GMT-10:00)Hawaii  
       3   (GMT-9:00)Alaska  
       4   (GMT-8:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada)  
       5   (GMT-7:00)Arizona  
       81  (GMT-7:00)Baja California Sur, Chihuahua  
       6   (GMT-7:00)Mountain Time(US&Canada)  
       7   (GMT-6:00)Central America  
       8   (GMT-6:00)Central Time(US&Canada)  
       9   (GMT-6:00)Mexico City  
       10  (GMT-6:00)Saskatchewan  
       11  (GMT-5:00)Bogota,Lima,Quito  
       12  (GMT-5:00)Eastern Time(US & Canada)  
       13  (GMT-5:00)Indiana(East)  
       74  (GMT-4:30)Caracas  
       14  (GMT-4:00)Atlantic Time(Canada)  
       77  (GMT-4:00)Georgetown  
       15  (GMT-4:00)La Paz  
       16  (GMT-4:00)Santiago  
       17  (GMT-3:30)Newfoundland  
       18  (GMT-3:00)Brasilia  
       19  (GMT-3:00)Buenos Aires  
       20  (GMT-3:00)Nuuk(Greenland)  
       75  (GMT-3:00)Uruguay  
       21  (GMT-2:00)Mid-Atlantic  
       22  (GMT-1:00)Azores  
       23  (GMT-1:00)Cape Verde Is.  
       24  (GMT)Monrovia  
       80  (GMT)Greenwich Mean Time  
       79  (GMT)Casablanca  
       25  (GMT)Dublin,Edinburgh,Lisbon,London  
       26  (GMT+1:00)Amsterdam,Berlin,Bern,Rome,Stockholm,Vienna  
       27  (GMT+1:00)Belgrade,Bratislava,Budapest,Ljubljana,Prague  
       28  (GMT+1:00)Brussels,Copenhagen,Madrid,Paris  
       78  (GMT+1:00)Namibia  
       29  (GMT+1:00)Sarajevo,Skopje,Warsaw,Zagreb  
       30  (GMT+1:00)West Central Africa  
       31  (GMT+2:00)Athens,Istanbul,Minsk,Sofija  
       32  (GMT+2:00)Bucharest  
       33  (GMT+2:00)Cairo  
       34  (GMT+2:00)Harare,Pretoria  
       35  (GMT+2:00)Helsinki,Riga,Tallinn  
       36  (GMT+2:00)Jerusalem  
       37  (GMT+3:00)Baghdad  
       38  (GMT+3:00)Kuwait,Riyadh  
       40  (GMT+3:00)Nairobi  
       41  (GMT+3:30)Tehran  
       42  (GMT+4:00)Abu Dhabi,Muscat  
       43  (GMT+4:00)Baku  
       39  (GMT+4:00)Moscow,St.Petersburg,Volgograd  
       44  (GMT+4:30)Kabul  
       46  (GMT+5:00)Islamabad,Karachi,Tashkent  
       47  (GMT+5:30)Calcutta,Chennai,Mumbai,New Delhi  
       51  (GMT+5:30)Sri Jayawardenepara  
       48  (GMT+5:45)Kathmandu  
       45  (GMT+6:00)Ekaterinburg  
       49  (GMT+6:00)Almaty  
       50  (GMT+6:00)Astana,Dhaka  
       52  (GMT+6:30)Rangoon  
       53  (GMT+7:00)Bangkok,Hanoi,Jakarta,Novosibirsk  
       54  (GMT+8:00)Krasnoyarsk  
       55  (GMT+8:00)Beijing,ChongQing,HongKong,Urumgi  
       56  (GMT+8:00)Ulaan Bataar  
       57  (GMT+8:00)Kuala Lumpur,Singapore  
       58  (GMT+8:00)Perth  
       59  (GMT+8:00)Taipei  
       60  (GMT+9:00)Irkutsk,Osaka,Sapporo,Tokyo,Seoul  
       62  (GMT+9:30)Adelaide  
       63  (GMT+9:30)Darwin  
       61  (GMT+10:00)Yakutsk  
       64  (GMT+10:00)Brisbane  
       65  (GMT+10:00)Canberra,Melbourne,Sydney  
       66  (GMT+10:00)Guam,Port Moresby  
       67  (GMT+10:00)Hobart  
       68  (GMT+11:00)Vladivostok  
       69  (GMT+12:00)Magadan  
       70  (GMT+11:00)Solomon Is.,New Caledonia  
       71  (GMT+12:00)Auckland,Wellington  
       72  (GMT+12:00)Fiji,Kamchatka,Marshall Is.  
       82  (GMT+12:45)Chatham Islands  
       73  (GMT+13:00)Nuku'alofa  
       76  (GMT+14:00)Kiritimati

sys device

       # diagnose sys device add [Virtual Domain Name] [Device Name]     Virtual domain device management.                                                   [5.0][5.2]

sys flash

       # diagnose sys flash                                              Flash image.                                                                        [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys flash format                                       format shared data partition (flash partition #3)                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys flash list [List files]                            List flash images.                                                                  [5.0] 
       Partition  Image                                     TotalSize(KB)  Used(KB)  Use%  Active
       1          FGT60D-5.02-FW-build688-150722                   253871     32279   13%  Yes   
       2          FGT60D-5.02-FW-build670-150318                   253871     32262   13%  No    
       3          ETDB-1.00000                                    3368360    125216    4%  No    
       Image build at Jul 22 2015 06:22:38 for b0688

sys fullcone

       # diagnose sys fullcone                                           Fullcone diagnostics.                                                               [5.0][5.2]

sys h323

       # diagnose sys h323                                                                   H323 diagnostics.                                               [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys h323 call list                                                         H323 calls.                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys h323 debug-mask [mask - 0-disable, 1-parser, 2-CS, 4-RAS, 8-h245]      Mask for H323 kernel trace.                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys h323 peer list                                                         H323 peers.                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys h323 status                                                            Display h323 status.                                            [5.0] 
       Peer: alloc=0           free=0           used=0
       Call: alloc=0           free=0           used=0

sys ha

       # diagnose sys ha cached-csum [Show cached checksum VDOM-name]   Show HA cached checksum.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha cluster-csum [arg]                             Show HA cluster checksum.                                                            [5.0]
       ================== FGT60D4613048017 ==================
       is_manage_master()=1, is_root_master()=1
       global: f8 59 14 50 b2 72 41 14 67 3d a6 49 8c 00 cc 4a 
       root: 57 57 c5 55 3b 5c 22 d1 ed 06 28 13 2e bb a5 8a 
       all: b4 96 88 40 ed 8b 72 f0 89 72 c8 d5 2f df 31 9e 
       global: f8 59 14 50 b2 72 41 14 67 3d a6 49 8c 00 cc 4a 
       root: 57 57 c5 55 3b 5c 22 d1 ed 06 28 13 2e bb a5 8a 
       all: b4 96 88 40 ed 8b 72 f0 89 72 c8 d5 2f df 31 9e 
       # diagnose sys ha csum-recalculate [vdom-name or global]          Re-calculate HA checksum.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by all-xdb                                 Dump all xdb.                                                                       [5.0]
       NOTE This command displays information about the current configuration of the cluster and how its operating. 
            You can use the out to determine the primary unit, the state of port monitoring as well as most cluster 
            configuration details and status. 
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by all-vcluster                            Dump all vcluster.                                                                  [5.0]
       NOTE This command displays the status and configuration of the individual cluster units. You can use the output of 
            this command to determine the primary unit and the status of each cluster unit. 
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by rcache                                  Dump rcache.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by all-group                               Dump all group.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by memory                                  Dump memory.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by debug-zone                              Dump HA debug zone.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by vdom                                    Dump HA vdom info.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by kernel                                  Dump HA kernel info.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by device                                  Dump HA device.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by stat                                    Dump HA statistics.                                                                 [5.0]
       NOTE This command displays some statistics about how well the cluster is functioning. Information includes packet counts, 
            memory use, failed links and ping failures. 
       # diagnose sys ha dump-by sesync                                  Dump HA session sync peers.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha extfile-sig                                     Dump extfile's signature.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha fib                                             FIB information.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff                                          HA diff debug.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff log clear                                Clear log.                                                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff log disable                              Disable log.                                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff log enable                               Enable log.                                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff max-sync-turns [Set/get max number sync] Set/get max number of sync turns.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff max-unsync-wait [max unsync wait times]  Set/get max unsync wait times.                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha hadiff status                                   HA diff status.                                                                     [5.0] 
       pid: 0
       state: idle
       log: disabled
       max-sync-turns: 0
       max-unsync-wait: 0
       sync-failure: 0
       master-lastcsum: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       # diagnose sys ha mac                                             Mac Information.                                                                    [5.0]
       HA mac msg name=port1, phyindex=0, 00:09:0F:09:00:01, linkfail=0 
       name=port2, phyindex=1, 00:09:0F:09:00:02, linkfail=1 
       name=port3, phyindex=2, 00:09:0F:09:00:03, linkfail=0 
       name=port4, phyindex=3, 00:09:0F:09:00:04, linkfail=1
       # diagnose sys ha recalculate-extfile-signature                   Recalculate external files signature in hasync daemon.                              [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha reset-uptime                                    Reset HA up time.                                                                   [5.0]
       NOTE This command resets the age of a unit back to zero so that if no other unit in the cluster was reset at the same time,
            it will now have the lowest age and can become the primary unit. The diagnose sys ha reset-uptime command should only 
            be used as a temporary solution. The command resets the HA age internally and does not affect the up time displayed 
            for cluster units using the diagnose sys ha dump-by all-vcluster command or the up time displayed on the Dashboard 
            or cluster members list. To make sure the actual up time for cluster units is the same as the HA age you should reboot 
            the cluster units during a maintenance window. 
       # diagnose sys ha session-sync-dev                                Session sync ports.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha session-sync-dev clear                          Clear session sync ports.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha session-sync-dev set [arg] [arg] [arg] [arg]    Configure session sync ports.                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys ha sesync-stats                                    Dump session sync statistics.                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha showcsum                                        Show HA checksum.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha showcsum [level] | [path.object] [Show detail checksum for table entry]
       # diagnose sys ha showcsum 1 29ec8b3f021fc3bed8d6509cc657044f
       system.accprofile: 7acee39e9d2d9f8911badae10c754ae2
       system.npu: 7acee39e9d2d9f8911badae10c754ae2
       system.vdom-link: 7acee39e9d2d9f8911badae10c754ae2 7acee39e9d2d9f8911badae10c754ae2
       wireless-controller.vap: 5f737dda1df100ed964fdeafcfa9811e
       system.switch-interface: 5f737dda1df100ed964fdeafcfa9811e
       system.lte-modem: 5f737dda1df100ed964fdeafcfa9811e
       system.interface: 2aa8491bba9032ba04a908af1acce4dd
       system.physical-switch: 99444dbe30124b89f2890533bb622eed
       system.virtual-switch: 99444dbe30124b89f2890533bb622eed
       system.password-policy: 99444dbe30124b89f2890533bb622eed
       system.sms-server: 99444dbe30124b89f2890533bb622eed
       system.custom-language: 69409117e787b3584a3c54311d0e5223
       system.admin: d6caae54eee0045e7bf796edfc82391f
       system.fsso-polling: d6caae54eee0045e7bf796edfc82391f
       system.ha: 7311b30a32ce7f20da9bf17d40a9d7bc
       # diagnose sys ha stats                                           statistics                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose sys ha status                                          status                                                                              [5.0]

sys kill

       # diagnose sys kill [Signal number(1-32)] [Process ID]            Kill the process ID.                                                                [5.0][5.2]
       NOTE Use this command to terminate a process currently running on FortiWeb, or send another signal from the FortiWeb OS 
            to the process. Type the ID of the signal to send to the process. This in an integer between 1 and 32. For <pid> 
            type the process ID where the signal is sent to. 
       Signal Integer
       1  Varies by the process’s interpretation, such as re-read configuration files or re-initialize (hang up; SIGHUP). 
          For example, the FortiWeb web UI verifies its configuration files, then restarts gracefully.  
       2  Request termination by simulating the pressing of the interrupt keys, such as Ctrl + C (interrupt; SIGINT).  
       3  Force termination immediately and do a core dump (quit; SIGQUIT).:9 — Force termination immediately (kill; SIGKILL).  
       9  Force termination immediately (kill; SIGKILL).  
       15  Request termination by inter-process communication (terminate; SIGTERM).  

sys last-modified

       # diagnose sys last-modified                                      List files that were modified last..                                                [5.0][5.2]

sys link-monitor

       # diagnose sys link-monitor                                       Link Monitor.                                                                       [5.2]

sys logdisk

       # diagnose sys logdisk                                            Display log disk status.                                                            [5.2]

sys modem

       # diagnose sys modem                                              modem                                                                               [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys modem cmd [AT command for MODEM]                   cmd                                                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys modem com [arg] [arg]                              Start a interactive session.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys modem detect                                       detect                                                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys modem external-modem                               Show external MODEM information.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys modem history                                      List MODEM usage history.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys modem query [[0|1] - 1 to force re-query via AT]   Query information from external MODEM.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys modem reset                                        Reset serial driver from external MODEM.                                            [5.0] 

sys mpstat

       # diagnose sys mpstat                                             mpstat                                                                              [5.2]

sys nmi-watchdog

       # diagnose sys nmi-watchdog                                       nmi-watchdog                                                                        [5.0][5.2]
       nmi-watchdog is disabled
       # diagnose sys nmi-watchdog disable                               Disable NMI watchdog.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys nmi-watchdog enable                                Enable NMI watchdog.                                                                [5.0] 

sys ntp

       # diagnose sys ntp                                                NTP daemon command.                                                                 [5.0][5.2]
       synchronized: yes, ntpsync: enabled, server-mode: enabled
       ipv4 server( -- reachable(0x1) S:5 T:1761 selected 
               server-version=4, stratum=11
               reference time is d9f5d7ae.9e7f57e1 -- UTC Tue Nov 17 16:43:26 2015
               clock offset is -0.798009 sec, root delay is 0 msec
               root dispersion is 724 msec, peer dispersion is 8968 msec

sys pair

       # diagnose sys pair                                               Pair device.                                                                        [5.0][5.2]

sys pipb

       # diagnose sys pipb                                               pipb                                                                                [5.0]

sys pipb-global

       # diagnose sys pipb-global                                       Global pipb.                                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose sys pipb-global bps-list                              List global per-IP-bandwidth meter ordered by bps.                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys pipb-global list                                  List global per-IP-bandwidth meter.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys pipb-global sort                                  Sort global per-IP-bandwidth meter by bps.                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys pipb-global stat                                  Global per-IP-bandwidth meter status.                                                [5.0] 

sys process

       # diagnose sys process                                           Dump process stack.                                                                  [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys process dump [PID of the process to dump]         Dump process stack.                                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys process trace [arg] [arg] [arg] [arg]             Sample process instructions.                                                         [5.0] 

sys profile

       # diagnose sys profile start                                      start kernel profiling data                                                         [5.2]
       # diagnose sys profile stop                                       copy kernel profiling data                                                          [5.2]
       # diagnose sys profile show                                       show kernel profiling result                                                        [5.2]
       # diagnose sys profile sysmap                                     show kernel sysmap                                                                  [5.2]
       0x80008000    60 _stext
       0x8000803c    28 __switch_data
       0x80008058    40 __ret
       0x80008080    48 __mmap_switched
       0x800080b0   140 __create_page_tables
       0x8000813c     8 __error
       0x80008144    80 __lookup_processor_type
       0x80008194    76 __lookup_architecture_type
       0x800081e0    40 debug_kernel
       0x80008208    40 quiet_kernel
       0x80008230    64 profile_setup
       0x80008270   296 calibrate_delay
       0x80008398   944 start_kernel
       0x80008748    24 no_initrd
       0x80008760    24 root_data_setup
       0x80008778    24 fs_names_setup
       # diagnose sys profile cpumask                                    profile which CPUs                                                                  [5.2]
       # diagnose sys profile module                                     show kernel module                                                                  [5.2]
       ftk                  1309124  38 0xf8a2c060

sys proxy

       # diagnose sys proxy bypass                                       bypass                                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose sys proxy bypass ftp [on|off bypass proxy AV]          FTP protocol.                                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy bypass http [on|off bypass proxy AV]         HTTP protocol.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy bypass imap [on|off bypass proxy AV]         IMAP protocol.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy bypass nntp [[on|off bypass proxy AV]        NNTP protocol.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy bypass pop3 [[on|off bypass proxy AV]        POP3 protocol.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy bypass smtp [on|off bypass proxy AV]         SMTP protocol.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy filter                                       Filter for displaying debug information.                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose sys proxy filter clear                                 Erase the current filter.                                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy filter list                                  Display the current filter.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy filter src [Source IP from] [Source IP to]   Source address range to filter by.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy stats                                        Proxy statistics.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose sys proxy stats ftp                                    FTP statistics.                                                                     [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy stats http                                   HTTP statistics.                                                                    [5.0] 
       sample-count: 10
       sample-interval: 5 seconds
       sample-average: 0
       sample[9]: 0
       sample[8]: 0
       sample[7]: 0
       sample[6]: 0
       sample[5]: 0
       sample[4]: 0
       sample[3]: 0
       sample[2]: 0
       sample[1]: 0
       sample[0]: 0
       # diagnose sys proxy stats imap                                   IMAP statistics.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy stats nntp                                   NNTP statistics.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy stats pop3                                   POP3 statistics.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy stats reset [Proxy protocol name]            Reset proxy statistics.                                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys proxy stats smtp                                   SMTP statistics.                                                                    [5.0] 

sys sccp-proxy

       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy debug-console                           Debug consoles.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy phone                                   SCCP phones.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy redirect                                Redirects                                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy restart                                 Restart IM, SIP, and SCCP.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy stat                                    SCCP statistics.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy stats clear                             Clear SCCP statistics.                                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy stats list                              List SCCP statistics.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy stats mem full                          Memory usage details.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sccp-proxy stats mem summary                       Memory usage summary.                                                               [5.0] 

sys server-probe

       # diagnose sys server-probe                                      Server probe.                                                                        [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys server-probe launch [entry-id]                    Launching an SLA probe.                                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys server-probe response                             Probe response.                                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys server-probe status [entry-id | all]              status                                                                               [5.0] 

sys session

       # diagnose sys session clear                                                     Clear the sessions defined by filter.                                [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session daemon                                                    Session sync daemon.                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session daemon pid-log [Log level]                                Enable/disable PID log.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session daemon shm                                                shm                                                                  [5.0] 
       shm[0]: not-exist
       shm[1]: not-exist
       shm[2]: not-exist
       shm[3]: not-exist
       shm[4]: not-exist
       shm[5]: not-exist
       shm[6]: not-exist
       shm[7]: not-exist
       shm[8]: not-exist
       shm[9]: not-exist
       shm[10]: not-exist
       shm[11]: not-exist
       shm[12]: not-exist
       shm[13]: not-exist
       shm[14]: not-exist
       shm[15]: not-exist
       # diagnose sys session daemon shm status                                         Shm segment status.                                                  [5.0] 
       shm[0]: not-exist
       shm[1]: not-exist
       shm[2]: not-exist
       shm[3]: not-exist
       shm[4]: not-exist
       shm[5]: not-exist
       shm[6]: not-exist
       shm[7]: not-exist
       shm[8]: not-exist
       shm[9]: not-exist
       shm[10]: not-exist
       shm[11]: not-exist
       shm[12]: not-exist
       shm[13]: not-exist
       shm[14]: not-exist
       shm[15]: not-exist
       # diagnose sys session daemon status                                             Daemon status.                                                       [5.0] 
       sesync_next_seq=-1, packet_pid_nr=0, flush_pid_nr=0, shm_seg_nr=16, shm_peak_seg_cnt=0
       0: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       1: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       2: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       3: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       4: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       5: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       6: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       7: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       8: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       9: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       10: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       11: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       12: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       13: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       14: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       15: status=0, append_pid=0, head=0, tail=0, expire_jiffies=0
       # diagnose sys session filter clear                                              Clear session filter.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter clear dintf [Interface name]                       Clear destination interface filter.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear dport [from port0-65535] [to port 0-65535]   Clear destination port filter from to.                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear dst [from dst IP] [to dst IP]                Clear destination IP filter.                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear duration [from duration] [to durartion]      Clear duration filter.                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear expire [from expire] [to expire]             Clear expire filter.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear nport [from expire] [to expire]              clear NAT'd source port filter                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear nsrc [from NAT srcip] [to NAT scrcip]        clear NAT'd source IP filter                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear policy [from policy] [to policy]             Clear policy ID filter.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear proto [from protocoll] [to protocoll]        Clear protocol filter (0-255).                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear proto-state [from 0-9] [to 0-9]              Clear protocol state filter.                                         [5.0] 
       NOTE This command allows you to view the counts of various TCP states. This command can help in enterprise-type 
            environments when tuning various protocol timers, for example, there are 60 percent of sessions in syn-sent 
            state in comparison to the established sessions. 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear sintf [Interface name]                       Clear source interface filter.                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear sport [from 0-65535] [to 0-65535]            Clear source port filter.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear src [from srcip] [to srcip]                  Clear source IP filter.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter clear vd [Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all] Clear virtual domain filter.                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter dintf [Interface name]                             Destination interface.                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter dport [from port0-65535] [to port 0-65535]         Destination port.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter dst [from dst IP] [to dst IP]                      Destination IP address.                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter duration [from duration] [to durartion]            duration                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter expire [from expire] [to expire]                   expire                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter negate                                             Inverse filter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter negate dintf                                       Inverse destination interface.                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate dport                                       Inverse destination port.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate dst                                         Inverse destination IP.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate duration                                    Inverse duration.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate expire                                      Inverse expire.                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate nport                                       inverse NAT'd source port                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate nsrc                                        inverse NAT'd source IP                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate policy                                      Inverse policy ID.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate proto                                       Inverse protocol.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate proto-state                                 Inverse protocol state.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate sintf                                       Inverse source interface.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate sport                                       Inverse source port.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate src                                         Inverse source IP.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter negate vd                                          Inverse virtual domain.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter nport [from expire] [to expire]                    NAT'd source port                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter nsrc [from NAT srcip] [to NAT scrcip]              NAT'd source ip address                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter policy [from policy] [to policy]                   Policy ID.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter proto [from protocoll] [to protocoll]              Protocol number (0-255).                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter proto-state [from 0-9] [to 0-9]                    Protocol state.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter sintf [Interface name]                             Source interface.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter sport [from 0-65535] [to 0-65535]                  Source port.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter src [from srcip] [to srcip]                        Source IP address.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session filter vd [Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all]       Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                             [5.0]                          
       # diagnose sys session full-stat                                                 Fully stat session.                                                  [5.0]
       session table:           table_size=524288 max_depth=1 used=26
       misc info:       session_count=13 setup_rate=0 exp_count=0 clash=0
               memory_tension_drop=0 ephemeral=0/61440 removeable=0
       delete=0, flush=0, dev_down=0/0
       TCP sessions:
                6 in SYN_SENT state
       firewall error stat:
       tcp reset stat:
               syncqf=0 acceptqf=0 no-listener=0 data=0 ses=0 ips=0
       # diagnose sys session help                                                      Session help.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session help add [Help name] [Protocol number] [Help port]        Add session help.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session help delete [Protocol number] [Help port]                 Delete session help.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session help list                                                 List session help.                                                   [5.0] 
       list builtin help module:
       list session help:
       help=pmap, protocol=17 port=111
       help=rtsp, protocol=6 port=8554
       help=rtsp, protocol=6 port=554
       help=pptp, protocol=6 port=1723
       help=rtsp, protocol=6 port=7070
       help=pmap, protocol=6 port=111
       help=rsh, protocol=6 port=512
       help=dns-udp, protocol=17 port=53
       help=tftp, protocol=17 port=69
       help=tns, protocol=6 port=1521
       help=mgcp, protocol=17 port=2727
       help=dcerpc, protocol=17 port=135
       help=rsh, protocol=6 port=514
       help=ras, protocol=17 port=1719
       help=ftp, protocol=6 port=21
       help=mgcp, protocol=17 port=2427
       help=dcerpc, protocol=6 port=135
       help=mms, protocol=6 port=1863
       help=h323, protocol=6 port=1720
       # diagnose sys session list [List expectation session]                           List session.                                                        [5.0]
       # diag sys session list 
       session info: proto=6 proto_state=02 duration=16 expire=13 timeout=3600 flags=00000000 sockflag=00000000 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
       ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/
       state=local nds 
       statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=60/1/0 reply=88/1/1 tuples=2
       orgin->sink: org out->post, reply pre->in dev=0->7/7->0 gwy=
       hook=out dir=org act=noop>
       hook=in dir=reply act=noop>
       pos/(before,after) 0/(0,0), 0/(0,0)
       misc=0 policy_id=0 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=0
       serial=00d42ac1 tos=ff/ff ips_view=0 app_list=0 app=0
       dd_type=0 dd_mode=0
       session info: proto=6 proto_state=02 duration=10 expire=22 timeout=3600 flags=00000000 sockflag=00000000 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
       ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/
       state=local nds 
       statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=120/2/0 reply=176/2/1 tuples=2
       orgin->sink: org out->post, reply pre->in dev=0->7/7->0 gwy=
       hook=out dir=org act=noop>
       hook=in dir=reply act=noop>
       pos/(before,after) 0/(0,0), 0/(0,0)
       misc=0 policy_id=0 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=0
       serial=00d42adb tos=ff/ff ips_view=0 app_list=0 app=0
       dd_type=0 dd_mode=0
       # diagnose sys session stat                                                      Stat session.                                                        [5.0]
       misc info:       session_count=13 setup_rate=0 exp_count=0 clash=0
               memory_tension_drop=0 ephemeral=0/61440 removeable=0
       delete=0, flush=0, dev_down=0/0
       TCP sessions:
                6 in SYN_SENT state
       firewall error stat:
       tcp reset stat:
               syncqf=0 acceptqf=0 no-listener=0 data=0 ses=0 ips=0
       global: ses_limit=0 ses6_limit=0 rt_limit=0 rt6_limit=0
       # diagnose sys session sync                                                      List session sync.                                                   [5.0]
       sync_ctx: sync_started=0, sync_tcp=0, sync_others=0,
       sync_expectation=0, sync_redir=0, sync_nat=0, stdalone_sesync=0.
       sync: create=0:0, update=0, delete=0:0, query=0
       recv: create=0:0, update=0, delete=0:0, query=0
       ses pkts: send=0, alloc_fail=0, recv=0, recv_err=0 sz_err=0
       nCfg_sess_sync_num=4, mtu=0
       # diagnose sys session sync reset                                                Reset session sync.                                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session ttl                                                       TTL session.                                                         [5.0]
       list session timeout:
       Default timeout=3600
       # diagnose sys session clear                                                     Clear the sessions defined by filter.                                [5.0]

sys session6

       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear                                             Clear session filter.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear dintf [Interface name]                      Clear destination interface filter.                                  [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear dport [from port0-65535] [to port 0-65535]  Clear destination port filter from to.                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear dst [from dst IP] [to dst IP]               Clear destination IP filter.                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear duration [from duration] [to durartion]     Clear duration filter.                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear expire [from expire] [to expire]            Clear expire filter.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear nport [from expire] [to expire]             clear NAT'd source port filter                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear nsrc [from NAT srcip] [to NAT scrcip]       clear NAT'd source IP filter                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear policy [from policy] [to policy]            Clear policy ID filter.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear proto [from protocoll] [to protocoll]       Clear protocol filter (0-255).                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear proto-state [from 0-9] [to 0-9]             Clear protocol state filter.                                         [5.0] 
       NOTE This command allows you to view the counts of various TCP states. This command can help in enterprise-type 
            environments when tuning various protocol timers, for example, there are 60 percent of sessions in syn-sent 
            state in comparison to the established sessions. 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear sintf [Interface name]                      Clear source interface filter.                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear sport [from 0-65535] [to 0-65535]           Clear source port filter.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear src [from srcip] [to srcip]                 Clear source IP filter.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter clear vd [Index of virt. domain. -1 matches all]  Clear virtual domain filter.                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter dintf [Interface name]                            Destination interface.                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter dport [from port0-65535] [to port 0-65535]        Destination port.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter dst [from dst IP] [to dst IP]                     Destination IP address.                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter duration [from duration] [to durartion]           duration                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter expire [from expire] [to expire]                  expire                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session filter negate                                             Inverse filter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate dintf                                      Inverse destination interface.                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate dport                                      Inverse destination port.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate dst                                        Inverse destination IP.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate duration                                   Inverse duration.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate expire                                     Inverse expire.                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate nport                                      inverse NAT'd source port                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate nsrc                                       inverse NAT'd source IP                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate policy                                     Inverse policy ID.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate proto                                      Inverse protocol.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate proto-state                                Inverse protocol state.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate sintf                                      Inverse source interface.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate sport                                      Inverse source port.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate src                                        Inverse source IP.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter negate vd                                         Inverse virtual domain.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter nport [from expire] [to expire]                   NAT'd source port                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter nsrc [from NAT srcip] [to NAT scrcip]             NAT'd source ip address                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter policy [from policy] [to policy]                  Policy ID.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter proto [from protocoll] [to protocoll]             Protocol number (0-255).                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter proto-state [from 0-9] [to 0-9]                   Protocol state.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter sintf [Interface name]                            Source interface.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter sport [from 0-65535] [to 0-65535]                 Source port.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 filter src [from srcip] [to srcip]                       Source IP address.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 filter vd [Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all]      Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                             [5.0]                          
       # diagnose sys session6 full-stat                                                Fully stat session.                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session help                                                      Session help.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session help add [Help name] [Protocol number] [Help port]        Add session help.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session help delete [Protocol number] [Help port]                 Delete session help.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session help list                                                 List session help.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 list                                                     List session.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 list expectation                                         List IPv6 expectation session.                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys session6 stat                                                     Stat session.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys session6 sync                                                     List session sync.                                                   [5.0]

sys sip

       # diagnose sys sip debug-mask [mask - For example, 0, 1, 2, 3..]        Mask for SIP kernel trace.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip dialog                                               SIP dialog.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip dialog clear                                         Clear SIP dialogs.                                                            [5.0]

       # diagnose sys sip dialog list                                          List SIP dialogs.                                                             [5.0]

       # diagnose sys sip mapping                                              SIP mapping.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip status                                               Display SIP status.                                                           [5.0]     
       dialogs: max=131072, used=0
       mappings: used=0
       dialog hash by ID: size=8192, used=0, depth=0
       dialog hash by RTP: size=8192, used=0, depth=0
       mapping hash: size=8192, used=0, depth=0
       count0: 0
       count1: 0
       count2: 0
       count3: 0
       count4: 0
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy calls                                          SIP calls.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy calls clear                                    Clear all active SIP calls.                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy calls idle                                     List idle SIP calls.                                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy calls invite                                   List SIP invite transactions.                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy calls list                                     List active SIP calls.                                                        [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy debug-console                                  Debug consoles.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter clear                                   Erase the current filter.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter dst-addr4 [from dstip] [to dstip]       Destination address range to filter by.                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter dst-addr6 [from dstip] [to dstip]       IPv6 destination address range to filter by.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter dst-port [source port]                  Destination port to filter by.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter identity-policy [identity-policy]       Identity-policy to filter by.                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter list                                    Display the current filter.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate                                  Negate the specified filter parameter.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate dst-addr4                        Negate the dst-addr4 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate dst-addr6                        Negate the dst-addr6 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate dst-port                         Negate the dst-port filter.                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate identity-policy                  Negate the identity-policy filter.                                            [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate policy                           Negate the policy filter.                                                     [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate policy-type                      Negate the policy-type filter.                                                [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate src-addr4                        Negate the src-addr4 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate src-addr6                        Negate the src-addr6 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate src-port                         Negate the src-port filter.                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate vd                               Negate the virtual domain filter.                                             [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter negate voip-profile                     Negate the VoIP-profile filter.                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter policy [policy]                         Policy to filter by.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter policy-type                             Policy-type to filter by.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter policy-type ipv4                        Filter IPv4 policies.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter policy-type ipv6                        Filter IPv6 policies.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter src-addr4 [from srcip] [to srcip]       Source address range to filter by.                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter src-addr6 [from srcip] [to srcip]       IPv6 source address range to filter by.                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter src-port [source port]                  Source port to filter by.                                                     [5.0]                                                
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter vd [index vdom | -1 match all]          Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter voip-profile                            VoIP profile to filter by.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter voip-profile [voip-profile]             VoIP profile to filter by.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter voip-profile default                    default profile                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy filter voip-profile strict                     strict profile                                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter clear                               Clear the current filter.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter dst-addr4 [from dstip] [to dstip]   IPv4 destination address range to filter by.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter dst-addr6 [from dstip] [to dstip]   IPv6 destination address range to filter by.                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter dst-port [destination port]         Destination port to filter by.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter identity-policy [identity-policy]   Identity-policy to filter by.                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter list                                Display the current filter.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate                              Negate the specified filter parameter.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate dst-addr4                    Negate the dst-addr4 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate dst-addr6                    Negate the dst-addr6 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate dst-port                     Negate the dst-port filter.                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate identity-policy              Negate the identity-policy filter.                                            [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate policy                       Negate the policy filter.                                                     [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate policy-type                  Negate the policy-type filter.                                                [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate src-addr4                    Negate the src-addr4 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate src-addr6                    Negate the src-addr6 filter.                                                  [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate src-port                     Negate the src-port filter.                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate vd                           Negate the virtual domain filter.                                             [5.0]  
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter negate voip-profile                 Negate the VoIP-profile filter.                                               [5.0]

       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter policy                              Policy to filter by.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter policy-type                         Policy-type to filter by.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter policy-type ipv4                    Filter IPv4 policies.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter policy-type ipv6                    Filter IPv6 policies.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter src-addr4 [from srcip] [to srcip]   IPv4 source address range to filter by.                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter src-addr6 [from srcip] [to srcip]   IPv6 source address range to filter by.                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter src-port [source port]              Source port to filter by.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter vd [index vdom | -1 match all]      Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter voip-profile                        VoIP profile to filter by.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter voip-profile [voip-profile]         VoIP profile to filter by.                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter voip-profile default                profile                                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy log-filter voip-profile strict                 profile                                                                       [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy meters                                         Diagnostics for SIP rate limiting meters.                                     [5.0]
       NOTE For the following command: output  rate 1  shows that the current (over last second) measured rate for 
            INVITE/ACK and BYTE was 1 per second, the  peak 1  shows that the peak rate recorded is 1 per second, 
            the  max 0  shows that there is no maximum limit set, the  count 18  indicates that 18 messages were 
            received and  drop 0  indicates that none were dropped due to being over the limit.
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy redirect                                       Redirects                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy restart                                        Restart IM, SIP, and SCCP.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy scheduler-times                                Scheduler times.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy scheduler-times display                        Display scheduler times.                                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy scheduler-times start                          Start measuring scheduler times.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy scheduler-times stop                           Stop measuring scheduler times.                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy session                                        SIP sessions.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats                                          SIP proxy statistics.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats call                                     SIP proxy call statistics summary.                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats clear                                    Clear SIP proxy activity statistics.                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats ha                                       SIP proxy HA statistics summary.                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats list                                     SIP proxy activity statistics.                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats mem full                                 Memory usage details.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats mem summary                              Memory usage summary.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats proto                                    SIP proxy general protocol statistics summary.                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats ssl-auth                                 SIP proxy SSL authentication statistics.                                      [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy stats udp                                      SIP proxy UDP statistics summary.                                             [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy vip                                            VIPs                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy vip policy                                     Policy VIP list.                                                              [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy vip real-server                                Real server VIP list.                                                         [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys sip-proxy vip rtp-policies                               RTP policies.                                                                 [5.0] 

sys stp

       # diagnose sys stp status                                         Display STP status.                                                                 [5.0][5.2]

sys tcp-option

       # diagnose sys tcp-option                                         Enable/disable TCP option.                                                          [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys tcp-option disable                                 Disable TCP option.                                                                 [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys tcp-option enable                                  Enable TCP option.                                                                  [5.0] 

sys tcpsock

       # diagnose sys tcpsock                                            TCP sock info.                                                                      [5.0][5.2]>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x1 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x4 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x1 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x1 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0

sys top

       # diagnose sys top                                                Show top processes information.                                                     [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys top [Delay in seconds (default 5)] [Maximum lines (default 20)] 
       Run Time:  40 days, 20 hours and 9 minutes
       0U, 0N, 1S, 99I; 1839T, 1403F, 159KF
                 newcli    12803      R <     1.4     0.7
                 httpsd     2769      S       0.0     1.5
                 httpsd      121      S       0.0     1.5
                pyfcgid    32457      S       0.0     1.3
                pyfcgid    32459      S       0.0     1.3
                pyfcgid    32460      S       0.0     1.3
                pyfcgid    32461      S       0.0     1.3
            proxyworker       87      S       0.0     1.2
                cmdbsvr       38      S       0.0     1.2
                miglogd       58      S       0.0     1.1
                sslvpnd     5439      S       0.0     1.0
              ipshelper    23154      S <     0.0     1.0
              ipsengine    10176      S <     0.0     1.0
                 httpsd       60      S       0.0     0.9
                 httpsd      120      S       0.0     0.9
                 cw_acd     5444      S       0.0     0.8
                  fgfmd      110      S       0.0     0.7
                 newcli    12765      S <     0.0     0.7
                src-vis       95      S       0.0     0.7
                   iked       88      S       0.0     0.6
       Press q  to quit and return to the normal CLI prompt. 
       Press p  to sort the processes by the amount of CPU that the processes are using. 
       Press m  to sort the processes by the amount of memory that the processes are using.
       Where the codes displayed on the second output line mean the following: 
       U is % of user space applications using CPU. In the example, 0U means 0% of the user space applications are using CPU. 
       S is % of system processes (or kernel processes) using CPU. In the example, 4S means 4% of the system processes are using the CPU. 
       I is % of idle CPU. In the example, 95I means the CPU is 95% idle. 
       T is the total FortiOS system memory in Mb. In the example, 1035792T means there are 1035792 Mb of system memory. 
       F is free memory in Mb. In the example, 646920F means there is 646920 Mb of free memory. 
       KF is the total shared memory pages used. 
       Each additional line of the command output displays information for each of the processes running on the FortiGate unit. 
       The following table describes the output format of the other lines.
       Column 1  Process Name  
       Column 2  Process identification (PID)  
       Column 3  One letter process status. S: sleeping process R: running process <: high priority  
       Column 4  CPU usage (%)  
       Column 5  Memory usage (%)  

sys top-summary

       # diagnose sys top-summary [Option]                              Show top aggregated processes information.                                           [5.0][5.2]
       --n or --num: Lines
       --i or --interval or : Interval
       --s or --sort:Sort (Sort can be: cpu_percent, mem, fds, pid) 
       --d or --dump: Dump
       --h or --help: Help
       - These options are only set temporarily. If you run the base command again without any options all of the 
         default settings will be used. 
       - Only one option can be used at a time. Combining multiple options will produce an error output. 
       # diagnose sys top-summary --n=12
          CPU [|||||||||||||                           ]  34.2%
          Mem [|||||||||                               ]  23.0%   438M/1839M
          Processes: 12 (running=3 sleeping=82)
          PID      RSS  ^CPU% MEM%   FDS     TIME+  NAME
        * 12765    18M   33.8  1.0    12  00:03.71  newcli [x2]
          23150    29M    0.0  1.6    32  00:12.39  ipsmonitor [x3]
          5444     16M    0.0  0.9    30  06:22.44  cw_acd
          38       23M    0.0  1.3    13  02:22.65  cmdbsvr
          6769     10M    0.0  0.6    22  00:00.18  dhcpd
          45       11M    0.0  0.6    87  00:01.35  zebos_launcher [x12]
          32457    24M    0.0  1.4    12  00:01.21  pyfcgid [x4]
          57       10M    0.0  0.5    12  00:00.20  uploadd
          58       21M    0.0  1.2    25  00:25.68  miglogd
          59        9M    0.0  0.5     8  00:00.00  kmiglogd
          60       39M    0.0  2.1    19  02:46.10  httpsd [x4]
          5439     20M    0.0  1.1    28  00:00.93  sslvpnd
       # diagnose sys top-summary --s=mem
          CPU [|||||||||||||                           ]  33.8%
          Mem [|||||||||                               ]  23.0%   438M/1839M
          Processes: 20 (running=3 sleeping=82)
          PID      RSS   CPU% ^MEM%   FDS     TIME+  NAME
        * 60       39M    0.0  2.1    19  02:46.10  httpsd [x4]
          23150    29M    0.0  1.6    32  00:12.39  ipsmonitor [x3]
          32457    24M    0.0  1.4    12  00:01.21  pyfcgid [x4]
          83       23M    0.0  1.3   780  00:00.85  proxyd [x5]
          38       23M    0.0  1.3    13  02:22.65  cmdbsvr
          58       21M    0.0  1.2    25  00:25.68  miglogd
          5439     20M    0.0  1.1    28  00:00.93  sslvpnd
          12765    18M   33.8  1.0    12  00:03.71  newcli [x2]
          5444     16M    0.0  0.9    30  06:22.48  cw_acd
          110      14M    0.0  0.8    16  00:00.43  fgfmd
          95       14M    0.0  0.8    16  00:12.30  src-vis
          85       12M    0.0  0.7    25  00:02.90  scanunitd [x3]
          88       12M    0.0  0.7    29  00:07.10  iked
          84       12M    0.0  0.7    34  00:10.60  imd
          108      11M    0.0  0.6    30  00:29.27  dnsproxy
          97       11M    0.0  0.6    20  00:00.45  urlfilter
          71       11M    0.0  0.6    21  00:00.52  forticron
          45       11M    0.0  0.6    87  00:01.35  zebos_launcher [x12]
          73       11M    0.0  0.6    38  00:00.30  authd
          89       10M    0.0  0.6    11  00:03.17  updated

sys tos-based-priority

       # diagnose sys tos-based-priority                                 ToS based priority.                                                                 [5.0]
       NOTE This example displays the priority value currently correlated with each possible TOS bit value. Priority 
            values are displayed in order of their corresponding TOS bit values, which can range between 0 and 15, 
            from lowest TOS bit value to highest. 

sys traffic-priority

       # diagnose sys traffic-priority                                   Traffic Priority (DSCP/TOS).                                                        [5.2]

sys uuid

       # diagnose sys uuid                                               UUID debug.                                                                         [5.2]

sys vd

       # diagnose sys vd                                                 Virtual domain management.                                                          [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys vd add [Virtual Domain Name]                       Add a Virtual System.                                                               [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys vd delete [Virtual Domain Name]                    Delete a Virtual System.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys vd list                                            List Virtual Domains.                                                               [5.0] 
       system fib version=62
       list virtual firewall info:
       name=vsys_fgfm index=2 enabled use=8 rt_num=0 asym_rt=0 sip_helper=0, sip_nat_trace=1, mc_fwd=0, mc_ttl_nc=0, tpmc_sk_pl=0
               ecmp=source-ip-based asym_rt6=0 rt6_num=4 strict_src_check=0 dns_log=0 ses_num=0 ses6_num=0 pkt_num=0
               tree_flag=0 tree6_flag=0 dnat_tree_flag=0 nataf=0 traffic_log=0 extended_traffic_log=0 svc_depth=0
               log_neigh=0, deny_tcp_with_icmp=0 ses_denied_traffic=no
               ipv4_rate=0, ipv6_rate=0
       name=vsys_ha index=1 enabled use=11 rt_num=0 asym_rt=0 sip_helper=0, sip_nat_trace=1, mc_fwd=0, mc_ttl_nc=0, tpmc_sk_pl=0
               ecmp=source-ip-based asym_rt6=0 rt6_num=6 strict_src_check=0 dns_log=0 ses_num=0 ses6_num=0 pkt_num=1167
               tree_flag=0 tree6_flag=0 dnat_tree_flag=0 nataf=0 traffic_log=0 extended_traffic_log=0 svc_depth=0
               log_neigh=0, deny_tcp_with_icmp=0 ses_denied_traffic=no
               ipv4_rate=0, ipv6_rate=0
               ha_flags={no-ses-sync,no-ses-flush,no-ha-stats} mode=standalone ha_state=work prio=0 vid=0
       name=root index=0 enabled use=76 rt_num=13 asym_rt=0 sip_helper=0, sip_nat_trace=0, mc_fwd=1, mc_ttl_nc=0, tpmc_sk_pl=0
               ecmp=source-ip-based asym_rt6=0 rt6_num=38 strict_src_check=0 dns_log=1 ses_num=13 ses6_num=0 pkt_num=70604913
               tree_flag=1 tree6_flag=1 dnat_tree_flag=1 nataf=0 traffic_log=1 extended_traffic_log=0 svc_depth=19
               log_neigh=0, deny_tcp_with_icmp=0 ses_denied_traffic=no
               ipv4_rate=0, ipv6_rate=0
       vf_count=4 vfe_count=21
       # diagnose sys vd set [Virtual Domain Name]                       Set current VDOM.                                                                   [5.0] 

sys vlan

       # diagnose sys vlan                                               vlan                                                                                [5.0][5.2]

sys wccp

       # diagnose sys wccp                                               wccp                                                                                [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose sys wccp delete [Service ID]                           Delete one wccp service.                                                            [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys wccp flush                                         Flush wccp services.                                                                [5.0] 
       # diagnose sys wccp list                                          List wccp services.                                                                 [5.0] 


test application

       # diagnose test application ddnscd [Integer]                      DDNS client daemon.                                                                 [5.0]
       1.  Show Peanut Hull Status
       2.  Peanut Hull Reconnect
       3.  Show FortiDDNS Status
       4.  Reset FortiDDNS Status
       # diagnose test application dhcp6c [Integer]                      DHCP6 client daemon.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose test application dhcprelay [Integer]                   DHCP relay daemon.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose test application dnsproxy [Integer]                    DNS proxy.                                                                          [5.0]
       1. Clear DNS cache
       2. Show stats
       3. Dump DNS setting
       4. Reload FQDN
       5. Requery FQDN
       6. Dump FQDN
       7. Dump DNS cache
       8. Dump DNS DB
       9. Reload DNS DB
       10. Dump secure DNS policy/profile
       11. Reload Secure DNS setting
       12. Show Hostname cache
       13. Clear Hostname cache
       14. DNS debug bit mask
       # diagnose test application dsd [Integer]                         DLP Statistics daemon.                                                              [5.0]
       1.    This menu
       2.    Display memory usage
       3.    Display malloced devices
       # diagnose test application forticldd [Integer]                   FortiCloud daemon.                                                                  [5.0]
       1. dump fds setting
       2. dump log controller status
       3. dump log server status
       4. dump msg controller status
       5. dump msg server status
       7. dump FDS default update server status
       8. dump FDNI status
       9. dump Contract Controller status
       10. dump Configuration Manager status
       11. dump FortiClient status
       12. dump FortiManager status
       13. dump image/cfg/script schedule
       14. dump image list
       15. dump fap version list
       20. toggle debug of FortiGuard log
       # diagnose test application forticron [Integer]                   Forticron daemon.                                                                   [5.0]
       1. show stats
       2. dump certificate list
       3. dump CRL
       4. dump misc timers
       5. dump scheduled jobs
       6. dump scep list
       100. dump vdom-root log setting
       # diagnose test application fsd [Integer]                         FortiExplorer daemon.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose test application ftpd [Integer]                        FTP proxy.                                                                          [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - ftpd:
       FTP Proxy Test Usage
       [0:F]    2: Drop all connections
       [0:F]    4: Display connection stat
       [0:F]   44: Display info per connection
       [0:F]  444: Display connections per state
       [0:F] 4444: Display per vdom stats
       # diagnose test application harelay [Integer]                     HA relay daemon.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose test application http [Integer]                        HTTP proxy.                                                                         [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - http:
       HTTP Proxy Test Usage
       [0:H]     2: Drop all connections
       [0:H]    22: Drop idle connections
       [0:H]     4: Display connection stat
       [0:H]    44: Display info per connection
       [0:H]   444: Display connections per state
       [0:H]  4444: Display per-VDOM statistics
       [0:H]    55: Display tcp info per connection
       [0:H]     6: Display ICAP information
       [0:H]    70: Disable ICAP 'Allow: 204' (default)
       [0:H]    71: Enable ICAP 'Allow: 204'
       [0:H]    72: Drop all ICAP server connections
       [0:H]     8: Display client comfort / infection cache stats
       [0:H]    88: Display client comfort / infection cache stats
       [0:H]    11: Display the SSL session ID cache statistics
       [0:H]    12: Clear the SSL session ID cache statistics
       [0:H]    13: Display the SSL session ID cache
       [0:H]    14: Clear the SSL session ID cache
       [0:H]    80: Show Fortinet bar SSL-VPN bookmark info
       [0:H]    81: Show Fortinet bar SSL-VPN bookmark cache
       [0:H]    82: Show Fortinet bar SSL-VPN bookmark LRU list
       # diagnose test application imap [Integer]                        IMAP proxy.                                                                         [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - imap:
       IMAP Proxy Test Usage
       [0:I]    2: Drop all connections
       [0:I]    4: Display connection stat
       [0:I]   44: Display info per connection
       [0:I]  444: Display connections per state
       [0:I] 4444: Display per vdom stats
       # diagnose test application info-sslvpnd [Integer]                SSL-VPN info daemon.                                                                [5.0]
       SSL-VPN Info Daemon Test Usage:
         1 : Dump app session cache
        11 : Dump app session LRU list
         2 : Dump web session cache
        21 : Dump web session cache (IP index)
        50 : Dump daemon memory stats
        51 : Dump daemon object counts
        99 : Restart daemon
       # diagnose test application ipldbd [Integer]                      IP load balancing daemon.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose test application ipsengine [Integer]                   ips sensor                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose test application ipsmonitor [Integer]                  ips monitor                                                                         [5.0]
       IPS Engine Test Usage:
           1: Display IPS engine information
           2: Toggle IPS engine enable/disable status
           3: Display restart log
           4: Clear restart log
           5: Toggle bypass status
           6: Submit attack characteristics now
          10: IPS queue length
          11: Clear IPS queue length
          12: IPS L7 socket statistics
          13: IPS session list
          14: IPS NTurbo statistics
          15: IPSA statistics
          16: Display device identification cache
          17: Clear device identification cache
          96: Toggle IPS engines watchdog timer
          97: Start all IPS engines
          98: Stop all IPS engines
          99: Restart all IPS engines and monitor
       # diagnose test application ipsufd [Integer]                      IPS urlfilter daemon.                                                               [5.0]
       Test Commands:
           1. show all domain name & ip entries
           2. show all unresolved domain names
           3. show summary statistics
           4. verify routing table entries
           44. verify routing table entries (verbose)
           5. show all join table entries
           91. remove stale routes in routing table
       Debug Levels:
             1. critical   - disabled.  To   enable, set level 1
             2. error      - disabled.  To   enable, set level 2
             4. major      - disabled.  To   enable, set level 4
             8. minor      - disabled.  To   enable, set level 8
            16. CMDB       - disabled.  To   enable, set level 16
            32. routes     - disabled.  To   enable, set level 32
            64. detailed   - disabled.  To   enable, set level 64
           128. DNS        - disabled.  To   enable, set level 128
           256. memory     - disabled.  To   enable, set level 256
       # diagnose test application l2tpcd [Integer]                      L2TP client daemon.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose test application lted [Integer]                        USB LTE daemon.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose test application miglogd [Integer]                     Miglog logging daemon.                                                              [5.0]
       1. Show global log setting.
       2. Show vdom log setting.
       3. Show log buffer sz.
       4. Show active log devices.
       5. Show MAX file descriptor number.
       6. Dump statistics.
       9. Delete all policy sniffer files.
       10. Show cid cache.
       11. Show UTM traffic cache.
       13. Increase the number of miglog children.
       14. Decrease the number of miglog children.
       15. Show miglog ID.
       16. Show log disk usage.
       18. Show network interface cache.
       19. Show application cache.
       20. Show FortiCloud log state.
       21. Show memory log statistics.
       22. Show memory traffic logs.
       23. Show memory event logs.
       101. Vdom-root Show log setting.
       102. Vdom-root Show application custom cache.
       103. Vdom-root Show application list cache.
       104. Vdom-root Show UTM traffic cache.
       105. Vdom-root Show reputation traffic cache.
       # diagnose test application nntp [Integer]                        NNTP proxy.                                                                         [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - nntp:
       NNTP Proxy Test Usage
       [0:N]    2: Drop all connections
       [0:N]    4: Display connection stat
       [0:N]   44: Display info per connection
       [0:N]  444: Display connections per state
       [0:N] 4444: Display per vdom stats
       # diagnose test application pop3 [Integer]                        POP3 proxy.                                                                         [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - pop3:
       POP3 Proxy Test Usage
       [0:P]    2: Drop all connections
       [0:P]    4: Display connection stat
       [0:P]   44: Display info per connection
       [0:P]  444: Display connections per state
       [0:P] 4444: Display per vdom stats
       # diagnose test application pptpcd [Integer]                      PPTP client.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose test application proxyacceptor[Integer]                Proxy acceptor.                                                                     [5.0]
       Proxy Acceptor Test Usage
          1: Dump Memory Usage
          4: Display acceptor stats
         99: Restart proxy acceptor
       # diagnose test application proxyworker [Integer]                 Proxy worker.                                                                       [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - worker:
       Proxy Worker Test Usage
       [0:W]    1: Dump Memory Usage
       [0:W]    2: Dump vdom list
       [0:W]    3: Display pid
       [0:W]    4: Display stats for all protocols
       [0:W] 4444: Display per vdom stats for all protocols
       [0:W]    5: Display debug log stats
       [0:W]    6: Toggle Print Stat mode every ~40 seconds
       [0:W]   88: Toggle statistic recording
       [0:W]   99: Restart proxy
       # diagnose test application quarantined [Integer]                 Quarantine daemon.                                                                  [5.0]
       1. Dump daemon setting
       2. Dump daemon status
       3. Dump quarantine cache
       4. Clear quarantine cache
       5. Dump quarantine list
       6. Reclaim disk space
       7. Dump fortiguard analytic cache
       8. Clear fortiguard analytic cache
       9. Request analytic stats
       50. Toggle quarantine processing
       100. Dump vdom-root quaratine setting
       # diagnose test application radiusd [Integer]                     RADIUS daemon.                                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose test application scanunit [Integer]                    Scanning unit.                                                                      [5.0]
       Scanunit Test Usage
         20: Set   ASE debug flag bit 0
         21: Set   ASE debug flag bit 1
         22: Set   ASE debug flag bit 2
         23: Set   ASE debug flag bit 3
         24: Set   ASE debug flag bit 4
         25: Set   ASE debug flag bit 5
         26: Set   ASE debug flag bit 6
         27: Set   ASE debug flag bit 7
       # diagnose test application sflowd [Integer]                      sFlow daemon.                                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose test application smtp [Integer]                        SMTP proxy.                                                                         [5.0]
       Proxy Worker 0 - smtp:
       SMTP Proxy Test Usage
       [0:S]    2: Drop all connections
       [0:S]    4: Display connection stat
       [0:S]   44: Display info per connection
       [0:S]  444: Display connections per state
       [0:S] 4444: Display per vdom stats
       # diagnose test application snmpd [Integer]                       SNMP daemon.                                                                        [5.0]
       SNMP Daemon Test Usage
          1: display daemon pid
          2: display snmp statistics
          3: clear snmp statistics
          4: generate test trap (oid: 999)
         99: restart daemon
       # diagnose test application sslacceptor [Integer]                 SSL proxy.                                                                          [5.0]
       SSL Proxy Acceptor Test Usage
          1: Dump Memory Usage
          3: Display PID
          4: Display Acceptor stats
         99: Restart proxy
       # diagnose test application sslworker [Integer]                   SSL proxy.                                                                          [5.0]
       SSL Worker 0:
       SSL Proxy Test Usage
          1: Dump Memory Usage
          2: Drop all connections
          3: Display PID
          4: Display connection stat
          5: Toggle AV Bypass mode
          6: Display memory statistics
          7: Display SSL proxy options
          8: Toggle SSL only mode
         10: Display connection TCP info
         44: Display info per connection
        444: Display connections per state
         11: Display connection TTL list
         12: Clear the SSL certificate cache
         13: Display config statistics
         99: Restart proxy
       # diagnose test application uploadd [Integer]                     Upload daemon.                                                                      [5.0]
       1. show stats
       99. restart
       # diagnose test application urlfilter [Integer]                   URL filter daemon.                                                                  [5.0]
       1.   This menu
       2.   Clear WF cache
       3.   Display WF cache contents
       4.   Display WF cache TTL list
       5.   Display WF cache LRU list
       6.   Display WF cache in tree format
       7.   Toggle switch for dumping unrated packet
       10.  Print debug values
       11.  Clear Spam Filter cache
       12.  Clear AV Query cache
       13. Toggle switch for dumping expired license packets
       14.  Show running timers (except request timers)
       144. Show running timers (including request timers)
       15.  Send INIT requests.
       16.  Display WF cache contents of prefix type
       19.  Display object counts
       20.  Display FTGD TCP stats
       99.  Restart the urlfilter daemon.
       Debug levels:
       Warning messages:             1   (0x001)
       Block events:                 2   (0x002)
       Pass events:                  4   (0x004)
       URL request events:           8   (0x008)
       Cache events:                 16  (0x010)
       Prefix events:                32  (0x020)
       Prefix delete subtree events: 64  (0x040)
       Add after prefix events:      128 (0x080)
       CMDB events:                  256 (0x100)
       DNS resolver messages:        512 (0x200)
       Keyword search messages:     1024 (0x400)
       INIT request messages:       2048 (0x800)
       Quota messages:              4096 (0x1000)
       # diagnose test application wad [Integer]                         WAD related processes.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose test application wccpd [Integer]                       WCCP daemon.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose test application wpad [Integer]                        WPA daemon.                                                                         [5.0]
       wpad test usage:
                1: Dump VAP
                2: Dump STA
                3: Reauth EAPOL STA in 5...25 seconds
                4: rekey gtk in 5 seconds
                5: STA debugging filter
                6: Dump VAP with key
                7: Dump STA with key

test authserver

       # diagnose test authserver cert [please input args]                                                                Test certificate authentication.   [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver ldap [server_name] [username] [password]                                                Test LDAP server.                  [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver ldap-digest [please input args]                                                         Test LDAP HA1 password query.      [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver ldap-direct [server_name or IP]                                                         Test LDAP server directly.         [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver ldap-group [ldapserver] [account] [domain] [DomainDN] [BaseDN]                          Search LDAP server.                [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver ldap-search [please input args]                                                         Search LDAP server.                [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver local [please input args]                                                               Test local user.                   [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver pop3 [please input args]                                                                Test POP3 server.                  [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver radius [server_name] [chap | pap | mschap | mschap2] [username] [password]              Test RADIUS server.                [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver radius-direct [server_name or IP] [port no(0=default port] [secret] [user] [password]   Test RADIUS server directly.       [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver tacacs+ [server_name] [username] [password]                                             Test TACACS+ server.               [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver tacacs+-direct [server_name or IP] [port no(0=default port] [key]                       Test TACACS+ server directly.      [5.0]
       # diagnose test authserver user [please input args]                                                                Test user group ID(s) name(s).     [5.0]

test guest

       # diagnose test guest add [please input args]                     Add a guest user.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose test guest del [please input args]                     Delete guest users.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose test guest list [please input args]                    List guest users.                                                                   [5.0]

test update

       # diagnose test update info                                       Display debug info.                                                                 [5.0]


       # diagnose user device clear                                      Clear discovered hosts.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose user device del [MAC address]                          Remove a specific host.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter addr [from ip] [to ip]              IPv4 address range.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter clear                               Clear the filter or parameter.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter clear addr                          Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear generation                    Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear index                         Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear joined                        Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose user device filter clear os-name                       Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear type                          Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear type-generation               Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear type-src                      Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter clear vd                            Clear parameter.                                                                    [5.0] 
       # diagnose user device filter generation [from] [to]              Device generation.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter joined [value]                      Device is joined to another.                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter list                                Display the current filter.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter negate                              Negate the specified filter parameter.                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter negate addr                         Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate generation                   Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate index                        Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate joined                       Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate os-name                      Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate type                         Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate type-generation              Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate type-src                     Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0]  
       # diagnose user device filter negate vd                           Negate parameter.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose user device filter os-name [OS | "" matches unknown]   Operating system name; "" matches unknown.                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter type [Device | "" matches unknown]  Device type; "" matches unknown.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter type-generation [from] [to]         Device type generation.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter type-src                            Device type source.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose user device filter vd [index vdom]                     Index of virtual domain.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose user device get [MAC address]                          List a specific host.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose user device host-type-summary                          Discovered host type summary.                                                       [5.0]
       # diagnose user device invalidate [MAC address]                   Flag discovered data for revalidation.                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose user device list                                       List known hosts.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose user device os-summary                                 Discovered OS summary.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose user device stats                                      User device stats.                                                                  [5.0]


vpn auto-ipsec

       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec bootstrap accept [preshared-key]        Accept tunnel setup request from remote server.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec bootstrap reject                        Reject tunnel setup request from remote server.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec bootstrap status                        Show IPsec auto-configuration bootstrap status.                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec client clear-config [name]              Clear dynamically created IPsec configuration.                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec client status                           Show IPsec auto-configuration client status.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec gateway notify [Name auto-config gw]    Send IPsec auto-configuration notification to peer.                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn auto-ipsec gateway status                          Show IPsec auto-configuration gateway status.                                       [5.0]

vpn concentrator

       # diagnose vpn concentrator list [please input args]              List all concentrators                                                              [5.0]

vpn ike

       # diagnose vpn ike config list                                    List IKE configuration                                                              [5.0]
       vd: root/0
       name: ipsec-cisco
       serial: 4
       version: 1
       type: dynamic
       mode: main
       dpd: enable  retry-count 3  interval 5000ms
       auth: psk
       dhgrp:  2
       fragmentation: enable
       xauth: server-auto
       xauth-group: gr-ipsec-cisco-vpn-local.intra
       interface: wan1
       add-route: enable
       distance: 1
       priority: 0
         ipsec-cisco proto 0 src dst  replay  keep-alive
       policy: yes
       # diagnose vpn ike counts                                         IKE object counts.                                                                  [5.0]
       NOTE This command displays list of IKE objects and their current, maximum, and total counts.
       # diagnose vpn ike crypto hardware                                Use hardware crypto if available.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike crypto software                                Use software crypto.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike crypto stats                                   Crypto statistics.                                                                  [5.0]
       software.dh-modp: 0 0
       hardware.dh-modp: 0 0
       software.dh-ecp: 0 0
       hardware.dh-ecp: 0 0
       # diagnose vpn ike errors                                         IKE errors.                                                                         [5.0]
       limits.euthanized: 0
       limits.blocked: 0
       in.truncated: 0
       in.giant: 0 0 0 0
       isakmp.truncated: 0
       isakmp.embryonic.connection.killed: 0 0 0
       isakmp.duplicate: 0
       isakmp.unknown: 0
       isakmp.remote-addr-mismatch: 0
       isakmp.local-addr-mismatch: 0
       # diagnose vpn ike filter autoconf-status [Auto status | 0=all]   Auto-configuration status.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter autoconf-type [Auto type | 0=all]       Auto-configuration type.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter clear                                   Erase the current filter.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter dst-addr4 [dstip]                       IPv4 destination address range to filter by.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter dst-addr6 [dstip]                       IPv6 destination address range to filter by.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter dst-port [dst port]                     Destination port range to filter by.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter interface [Index Interface | 0=all]     Interface that IKE connection is negotiated over.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter list                                    Display the current filter.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter name [Name to filter by]                Phase1 name to filter by.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate autoconf-status                  Negate autoconf-status.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate autoconf-type                    Negate autoconf-type.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate dst-addr4                        Negate IPv4 destination address.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate dst-addr6                        Negate IPv6 destination address.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate dst-port                         Negate destination port.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate interface                        Negate interface.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate name                             Negate name.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate src-addr4                        Negate IPv4 source address.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate src-addr6                        Negate IPv6 source address.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate src-port                         Negate source port.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter negate vd                               Negate virtual domain.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter src-addr4 [srcip]                       IPv4 source address range to filter by.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter src-addr6 [srcip]                       IPv6 source address range to filter by.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter src-port [source port]                  Source port range to filter by.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike filter vd [index vdom | -1=all]                Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike gateway clear [Clear gateway by name]          Clear IKE gateways.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike gateway flush [Flush gateway by name]          Synonym for clear.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike gateway list [List gateway by name]            list                                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter clear                               Erase the current filter.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter dst-addr4 [dstip]                   IPv4 destination address range to filter by.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter dst-addr6 [dstip]                   IPv6 destination address range to filter by.                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter dst-port [dst port]                 Destination port range to filter by.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter interface [index interface | 0=all] Interface that IKE connection is negotiated over.                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter list                                Display the current filter.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter name [Name to filter by]            Phase1 name to filter by.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate dst-addr4                    Negate IPv4 destination address.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate dst-addr6                    Negate IPv6 destination address.                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate dst-port                     Negate destination port.                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate interface                    Negate interface.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate name                         Negate name.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate src-addr4                    Negate IPv4 source address.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate src-addr6                    Negate IPv6 source address.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate src-port                     Negate source port.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter negate vd                           Negate virtual domain.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter src-addr4 [srcip]                   IPv4 source address range to filter by.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter src-addr6 [srcip]                   IPv6 source address range to filter by.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter src-port [source port]              Source port range to filter by.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log filter vd [index vdom | -1=0]              Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log terminal clear                             Clear IKE debug log terminals.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log terminal reset                             Reset IKE debug log terminals.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike log terminal stats                             Show IKE debug log terminal statistics.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike restart                                        Restart IKE.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike routes list                                    List IKE routes.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike status detailed                                Detailed status.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ike status summary                                 Status summary.                                                                     [5.0]

vpn ipsec

       # diagnose vpn ipsec status                                       Show status of IPsec                                                                [5.0]

vpn l2tp

       # diagnose vpn l2tp status                                        Display L2TP status                                                                 [5.0]

vpn pptp

       # diagnose vpn pptp status                                        Display PPTP status.                                                                [5.0]

vpn ssl

       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter clear                             Erase the current filter.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter list                              Display the current filter.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter negate src-addr4 [srcip]          IPv4 source address.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter negate src-addr6 [srcip]          IPv6 source address.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter negate vd [vdom]                  Virtual domain.                                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter src-addr4                         IPv4 source address range.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter src-addr6                         IPv6 source address range.                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter vd                                Name of of virtual domain.                                                          [5.0] 
       # diagnose vpn ssl hw-acceleration-status                         SSL hardware acceleration status.                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl list                                           List current connections.                                                           [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl mux                                            Show mux information.                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl statistics                                     statistics                                                                          [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn ssl statistics  [all|vdom-name|vfid]               Display SSL-VPN statistics for all vdoms or given vdom or vifd.                     [5.0] 
       NOTE Without argument, statistics for current vdom is shown!

vpn tunnel

       # diagnose vpn tunnel delinbsa [Name of tunnel]                   Remove tunnel sa.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel deloutbsa [Name of tunnel]                  Remove tunnel sa.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel dialup-list [please input args]             List dialup tunnel.                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel down [Name of phase2]                       Shut down tunnel.                                                                   [5.0] 
       # diagnose vpn tunnel dumpsa                                      Dump all sa.                                                                        [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel flush [please input args]                   Flush tunnel SAs.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel list name [please input args]               List tunnel by name.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel list number [Index of tunnel]               List tunnel by number.                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel reset [please input args]                   Flush tunnel SAs and reset NAT-T and DPD configuration.                             [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel stat flush [please input args]              Flush tunnel stats by name.                                                         [5.0]
       # diagnose vpn tunnel up [Name of Phase2]                         Activate tunnel.                                                                    [5.0]


Display diagnostic information for the web cache database daemon (wacs)

wacs clear

       # diagnose wacs clear                                             Remove all entries from the database.                                               [5.0][5.2]

wacs recents

       # diagnose wacs recents                                           Recent DB activities.                                                               [5.0][5.2]

wacs restart

       # diagnose wacs restart                                           Restart the daemon and reset the statistical parameters.                            [5.0][5.2]

wacs stats

       # diagnose wacs stats                                             Show statistics.                                                                    [5.0][5.2]
       NOTE Use this command to display information about the WAN optimization web cache daemon. The command will only 
            display information if the web cache daemon is running and the statistics displayed show the number of open 
            connections and other indications of activity. 


wad console-log

       # diagnose wad console-log disable                                disable logging.                                                                    [5.0]
       # diagnose wad console-log enable                                 Enable logging.                                                                     [5.0]

wad debug-url

       # diagnose wad debug-url disable                                  disable debug-URL.                                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose wad debug-url enable                                   Enable debug-URL.                                                                   [5.0]

wad stats

       # diagnose wad stats clear                                        Clear statistics.                                                                   [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats crypto clear                                 clear crypto statistics                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats crypto list                                  list crypto statistics                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats filter clear                                 clear filter statistics                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats filter list                                  list filter statistics                                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats list                                         List all statistics.                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats mem clear                                    clear mem statistics                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats mem list                                     list mem statistics                                                                 [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats scan clear                                   clear scan statistics                                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats scan list                                    list scan statistics                                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats scripts clear                                clear scripts statistics                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats scripts list                                 list scripts statistics                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats summary clear                                clear summary statistics                                                            [5.0]
       # diagnose wad stats summary list                                 list summary statistics                                                             [5.0]

wad filter

       # diagnose wad filter clear                                       Erase current filter settings.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter dport [destination port]                    Destination port range to filter by.                                                [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter drop-unknown-session [1=enable | 2=disable] Enable drop message unknown sessions.                                               [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter dst [dstip]                                 Destination address range to filter by.                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter list                                        Display current filter.                                                             [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter negate [parameter to negate]                Negate the specified filter parameter.                                              [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter protocol [http To match (1), otherwise (0)] Select protocols to filter by.                                                      [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter sport [source port]                         Source port range to filter by.                                                     [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter src [srcip]                                 Source address range to filter by.                                                  [5.0]
       # diagnose wad filter vd [index vdom | -1=all]                    Index of virtual domain. -1 matches all.                                            [5.0]

wad user

       # diagnose wad user clear [User ID]                               Enter a user's id, ip and vdom to clear this particular user                        [5.0]
       # diagnose wad user list                                          List proxy users.                                                                   [5.0]

wad history

       # diagnose wad history [proto]                                    Statistics history.                                                                 [5.2]
       [proto]     All | HTTP | FTP | CIFS | MAPI | TCP <period> 10min | hour | day | 30days 

wad tunnel

       # diagnose wad tunnel [clear | list]                              Tunnel diagnostics.                                                                 [5.0][5.2]
       NOTE Use this command to list all of the running WAN optimization tunnels and display information about each one


Display diagnostic information for the WAN optimization database daemon (waddb).

wadbd check

       # diagnose wadbd check                                            Check database integrity.                                                           [5.0][5.2]

wadbd clear

       # diagnose wadbd clear                                            Remove all entries from the database.                                               [5.0][5.2]

wadbd recents

       # diagnose wadbd recents                                          Recent DB activities.                                                               [5.0][5.2]

wadbd restart

       # diagnose wadbd restart                                          Restart the daemon and reset the statistical parameters.                            [5.0][5.2]

wadbd stats

       # diagnose wadbd stats                                            how statistics.                                                                     [5.0][5.2]


       # diagnose web-ui                                                 Web user interface.                                                                 [5.0][5.2]


webfilter bword

       # diagnose webfilter bword [Filter string]                        Web banned word match filter.                                                       [5.0][5.2]

webfilter fortiguard

       # diagnose webfilter fortiguard                                   FortiGuard Web Filter information                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       # diagnose webfilter fortiguard ovrd refresh                      remove expired rules from FortiGuard Web Filter overrides                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose webfilter fortiguard statistics flush                  Flush rating cache and daemon statistics.                                           [5.0] 
       # diagnose webfilter fortiguard statistics list                   Display rating cache and daemon statistics.                                         [5.0] 


wireless-controller wlac

       # diagnose wireless-controller wlac [-c|-d|-k|-h]                 Control plane, data plane or help                                                   [5.0][5.2]
       wlac usage:
           wlac help                       --show this usage
           wlac ping [-c cnt] [-s len] <ip> --send cnt len-bytes ping request
           wlac tpt                        --show non-wireless terminaton point info
           wlac kickmac mac                --disassociate a sta
           wlac kickwtp ip cport           --tear down a wtp session
           wlac plain-ctl [[wtp-id] [0|1] | clear]   --show, set or clear current plain control setting
           wlac sniff-cfg [[ip port] | clear]   --show, set or clear sniff server ip and port
           wlac sniff [intf [wtp-id] [0|1|2] | clear]     --show, set or clear sniff setting on intf for wtp-id
           wlac scanclr                    --clear the scanned rogue ap list
           wlac scanstaclr                 --clear the scanned rogue sta list
           wlac sta_filter [sta-mac level | clear]    --show, set or clear sta filter
           wlac wtp_filter [id vfid-ip:port level | clear]  --show, set or clear wtp filter
           wlac clear debug                --clear all debug settings
           wlac show debug                 --show all debug settings
           wlac show kernel                --show all -k command settings
           wlac show data                  --show all -d settings
           wlac show control               --show all -c settings
           wlac show all                   --show all -k,-c,-d and debug settings
           wlac -k cws [wlan]                   --list cws info(kern) 
           wlac -k wtp [vfid-ip:port lip:port]  --list wtp info(kern) 
           wlac -k vap [wlan | bssid]           --list vap info(kern)
           wlac -k sta [wlan | bssid mac]       --list sta info(kern)
           wlac -k wlan-sta wlan sta-ip         --list wlan's sta info(kern)
           wlac -d usage                   --list objects usage(data)
           wlac wpad_vap [ip|bssid]        --list vap info in wpad_ac
           wlac wpad_sta [mac]             --list sta info in wpad_ac
           wlac sta-idle-auth [time]       --get/set non-auth sta idle time
           wlac -d all                     --list wlan/wtp/vap/sta info(data)
           wlac -d wlan                    --list wlan info(data)
           wlac -d wtp                     --list wtp info(data)
           wlac -d vap                     --list vap info(data)
           wlac -d sta                     --list sta info(data)
           wlac -d sta-idx [wlan mac next] --list indexed sta info(data)
           wlac -d wlsta wlan              --list wlan's sta info(data)
           wlac -d wtpsta wtp-index        --list wtp's sta info(data)
           wlac -d radiosta wtp-id rId     --list radio's sta info(data)
           wlac -c sta [mac]               --list sta(ctl)
           wlac -c wtpprof [wtpprof]         --list configured wtp profiles(ctl)
           wlac -c wtp [wtp]               --list configured wtps(ctl)
           wlac -c wtp-idx [wtp next]        --list indexed wtp (ctl)
           wlac -c radio-idx [wtp rId next]  --list indexed radio (ctl)
           wlac -c vap-idx [wtp rId wlan next] --list indexed vap (ctl)
           wlac -c wlan [wlan|ssid]        --list configured wlans(ctl)
           wlac -c swintf                  --list configured switch interface(ctl)
           wlac -c ap-status               --list configured ap status(ctl)
           wlac -c widsprof                 --list configured wids profiles(ctl)
           wlac -c byod_dev [dev | mac]    --list configured devices(ctl)
           wlac -c byod_devgrp [devgrp     --list configured device groups(ctl)
           wlac -c byod_devacl [devacl]    --list configured device access lists(ctl)
           wlac -c byod_devtype [devtype]  --list configured device types(ctl)
           wlac -c byod [wlan]             --show device access in control plane
           wlac -c byod_detected [wlan]    --list detected devices(ctl)
           wlac -c ws [ip]                 --list current wtp sessions(ctl)
           wlac -c ws-fail                 --show current wtp sessions with SSID config failures
           wlac -c ws-mesh vfid-ip:port    --list this wtp session's mesh parent and child info(ctl)
           wlac -c vap                     --list vap info(ctl)
           wlac -c ap-rogue                --list rogue ap info(ctl)
           wlac -c sta-rogue               --list rogue sta info(ctl)
           wlac -c rap-hostlist bssid      --list hosts related to the ap(ctl)
           wlac -c arp-req                 --list arp info on the controller(ctl)
           wlac -c mac-table               --list mac table(ctl)
           wlac -c br-table                --list bridge table(ctl)
           wlac -c nol                     --list the AP's non occupancy channel list for radar
           wlac -c scan-clr-all            --clear the scanned rogue ap and sta data(ctl)
           wlac -c ap-onwire-clr bssid     --clear the rogue ap's on wire flag(ctl)
           wlac -c darrp                   --list darrp radio table(ctl)
           wlac -c sta-cap [mac]           --list sta capability(ctl)
           wlac -c sta-locate              --list located wireless stations(ctl)
           wlac -c sta-locate-reset [1|2]  --reset sta-locate data(ctl); 1: reset stats, 2 (default): flush entries
           wlac -c rf-analysis [wtp-id|ac] --list rf analysis results(ctl)
           wlac -c rf-sa wtp-id rId [chan] --list rf spectrum info
           wlac -c radio-ifr wtp-id rId    --list radio's interfering APs
           wlac -c wids                    --show detected sta threat in control plane